Sir_dabs First Grow *Total Newbie*


Well-Known Member
Good Evening Colorado growers, smokers, dabbers and pot-heads.

Would like to share some photos from day 37, and will probably update with new photos when the lights come on.

First up is a landscape view of the grow, the picture only depicts 2 out of the three plants in there.

A few flowers of SN3..

One of the more frosty flowers from the 3 pheno..

A peek at Neville's inner structure..

I love cannabis..such a rewarding kulture.

As I move around some colas and adjust buds to receive better light penetration, I always try to move them by only contacting the stem of the branch I'm moving..
Even being so precautions, my fingers literally stick together like glue.

Coming down with some type of flu or something, I had to come home early from work, so I hope to get some more pics tonight, but I may wait til Sunday at the start of week 6.
Sir happy late birthday. I've been on the road for the past 10 days for work, won't be home for another 22 days. Hopin my wife is taking as good care of mine as yours are looking! I'll try to login more as I get a lil more free time on the road.


Well-Known Member
Mornin' ladies and gentleman!

Ole sir_dabs has the day off!.. Got some flu action and my neck is also fucked, can barely move it, these spiked pain episodes make me want to swallow lead sometimes.

Fortunately, I have a nice decent garden to lift my spirits.

Some pics from this morn and last night...
Sunday marks the beginning of week 6...

I totally fuckin forgot my ballast has a” Super Setting” which kicks up the 1000 w a bit..actually a BIG bump..So super setting will be initialized tonight.

First up...SN2 Top...

Another smaller SN2 popcorn..

Smaller flower of SN3.. Sweet sweet citrus candy aroma..



Fans are just stacked on her..

Another of my faves...

Can't decide which strain I'm gonna like best...

Thanks for stopping in guys!!

I'm off all day...anybody wanna bs?..smoke some dank maybe dab some errrllz?


Active Member
Dam dude those ladies are packing much respect to SDA can't wait to see what the future brings you buddy.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys!!.. Your kind sentiment means the world to me..

So, of course, some more pics... First I just wanted to try to portray the length of the colas or tops of the SN2 pics... The pics do a great job of showing the actual head of the bud, but without being able to capture the length of the buds, which is quite....intriguing??...

I took this pic like 10 times and still serves no justice in comparison to actually see them in person.

This flower of SN3 ... Just got a feeling this one is gonna be insane by the time it approaches the finish line.

And lastly...Neville' she took aloonng time but she is now catching up..

I didn't think I was going to like her...but, now...mmmmmm...looks great.

Hey!.. I did create a thread, but most of my closer friends are subbed to this thread, so I'll ask here too..

With my night cycle is only going to be on the 50s ...

What is the lowest temp threshold for flowers in their night cycle?
I know mid 60' s is good...what about high 50s-low 60s?

Do I need to add a space heater?
Help!! Newbie is sorta in panic


Well-Known Member
Meh... I got the temps figured out for now..

I took a small yet stout space heater and placed it about 12 in away from a side vent of the tent (love them mesh vents)

After I turned my lights off for the day, the temps went from a solid 71° through the day cycle (last night) and slowly went all the way down to 57°..

Added the space heater...temps are@ 65°... Hopefully it sustains that temp as I believe 65° is awesome for night cycle...I will probably have to monitor the temp and adjust the thermostat thru the day..lucky I'm home all day.

Happy Saturday peeps!!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning fellow Coloradans and fellow cannabis consumers.

Welcome to the start of the 6th week!!

After engaging the Super Setting on my 1K ballast a few days ago, well...i really wish I would have cranked it up @week 4, as I believe outs made a significant impact.

I am super happy for you and your family, brother. I can't wait to see this thread fill up with pictures!
Hehe... Thought^ this was appropriate as I am truly filling the thread with maybe excessive pictures.

But ..I'm very proud of myself, and I'm super excited to share my novice grow with all my awesome friends, as y'all are my inspiration, my friends helped me a lot, and it would be much less appealing without everyone's help and guidance.

So...I must thank all off you that lent advice, encouragement, and constructive tutelage of the growth of the beloved cannabis plant.

The pictures and diaries of you seasoned growers have sparked a passion for growing that will forever continue to...GROW!!

Pics incoming.... I apologize in advance for sooooo many
But.. There are lots of effin flowers on the tent....hashhaha.


Well-Known Member
How it do Colarodah!!

Allow I present some more pics...
My flowers are no where near as frosty as y'all bad-ass mofos....

And I'm friggen
However, I see tons of resin (trichomes) in person...
Which keeps me staring at my flowers for what only seems to be a few minutes...

An hour and a half later... I emerge from the bloom room, squinching my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose, like I was lost in a time vortex...haha..

Anybody else do that?...I can't help it!!

Blow up for some trikes... :(








I love growing!!


Well-Known Member
Ohhh... Wanted to share this image....

70u.. ” K-Izzle” Essential Extracts....

Mighty addicting flavor/high, watching the” melt”...jeeezz
I see you got some of that Kizzle Ice wax I had talked about. Def a different taste/high than any other strain of Ess. Ex. I have had. Darker in cooler too so it was easy to tell apart from the rest.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Night Rider!!
People that have not experienced this level of water hash, can't understand why I'd pay what I do for this hash.
It's just that simple; no other hash it's like this.

wether on the nail or in a bowl on top of some flower, the hash melts into a viscous oil (into a bowl)..and vaporizes smoothly and melts away st the introduction of heat.

The nail can be very cool, and the hash still vapors away..

Last night I dabbed some...heat up my nail til that half was red, let it cool momentarily got three dabs off of one heating of the nail..!!


Well-Known Member
^ when seeing it melt first is beyond ridiculous.

The flavor profile is unlike anything I've had before, this applies to both the 70u& 90u grades, contingent upon strain, both grades usually are full melt, sometimes the 90 will leave a tiny bit of residue on the nail.

When smoking this hash line on top o' melts and oozes into the flower, making the entire bowl flavorful, and long lasting.

I really wish I had a” hash bowl” with a wand...gotta get one as a matter of fact..
Thanks for stopping by.