Sir_dabs First Grow *Total Newbie*

I can't wait to meet you guys!

@Rae.. Our meeting has been a long time coming, and I'm so happy I finally get to meet you.

I will be giving you a big hug, I hope CSU don't mind!

Lol... ;)

You guys will get to meet my wonderful wife!!
She is the bees knees, used to smoke with me all the time..

But, now she has a job that she feels that she shouldn't partake any longer..

Once in a great while, she'll hit the bong...

Been like 5 years since her last bong hit

#Bummed that my new friend GT will not be in attendance, but I'm sure we will meet in the near future, and I'm very much looking forward to that day.

At the same time, I get the pleasure of meeting with Azh!..
One of the very best growers I've had the pleasure of seeing ...

Super stoked to get some grow advice from brother Azh!

Anxiously awaiting Saturday,
Can I just say ditto! Supppppeeeeerrrr exxxccccccciiiiiiiited. You better damn well give me a hug or I might kick your ass. I am sure there might even be a tear shed between us, I have a feeling and I am just saying! It is like that.
Lol Rae!! Always bring a smile to my face; both you and CSU.

You two are some very very special peeps, and deserve the recognition.

The both of you, have cheered me up through some very rough days, and that means a TON.

I'm supposed to be a manly man...and you are gonna make me

Well, as suspected, I got a bit over an oz of good flowers from SN2..some larf, and some popcorn nugs (all of which I'll be extracting errrl from.)

Pic of semi dry

Sn3...lots lots of loose wispy buds...some solid top action (very minute)
Maybe an oz of decent flowers, and about an oz. of larf, and wispy...


However, this gives me the green light to fill up a tube, and make some CBDoil..

And Neville's...

I initially thought that Neville's would be my least favorite, but as of last night...

Well, check her out, she is by far the most resinous...





Hope she will finish within a couple days, as I need to sterilize/clean my tent (maybe drop a p-bomb or two), and get my me space heater in the tent and do a dry run to confirm that this space heater will work.

I'll do this by setting up the radiator style, oil filled heater, in the tent, and placing a fan in front of it to disperse heat.

The heater specifies a” large room” heater, so I believe that the heater inside the the 5x5x6 space will work efficiently..


I'll be damned if that keeps me from growing this winter...diligence, and fortitude builds character, and breeds great growers.
^ pics above from day 72..
Below is from this morning... Day 73...


Today is a great day, a successful harvest and grow..

For all the other rookie growers..

I worked my ass off growing the three plants, and got around an oz per..

This may be discouraging, but keep your head up, and work on your topping/training.

I will be keeping them low bushy and with an even canopy from here on out...

My training and topping is what killed my yield, now to improve.
Just remember that an ounce normally goes for 200 - 300$+ (+ tax at most med spots), so that's 6 - 900$+ that you didn't spend on 'meds' this time around... With a little more work next round and all that you have learned from this grow, your yield will start to increase...

Lets get some Azomite and Kelp Meal in your room for next grow (I will bring some out to you), that is the only real difference from my low watt rooms and everyone's high watt grows... I keep the 'trace/micro/macro' minerals and nutrients around the whole grow... just like Humans, plants need more than just NPK to thrive... If humans only had Protein/Water/Carbs we wouldn't thrive or live that long... we would just barely "survive"... So why does everyone think that plants only need NPK and water to grow and live??? Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for the win IMO... and both Azomite or Kelp Meal has plenty, over 70 minerals/trace nutrients
Good morning Colorado..

Quick question...

I sampled a nug of SN2 pheno..
Got me super stoned, however it was mighty harsh on the throat.

Its only been 4.5 days off the plant..
Ths harsh taste will smooth out during cure, right?

Edit: Fuck me sideways if I somehow fucked this grow up..

I used only water for way longer than 2 weeks...because I started flushing at week 6.5...

It was almost week 10 at harvest..

This is no bueno..
EDIT #2 The bowl I smoked, other than the harsh taste.. I was really high..

Of course this scenario would happen to me.. I seem to have the worst luck..
3-4 months of an excessive electric bill, lots of hard work, lots of time..

Hoping a cure will smooth the smoke, fuck, fuck fuck...
The only thing I can think of...

I never actually flushed the water until it ran through the drain holes..just cut out all nutes and used plain ph'd water for over 14 days.

#Rookie anxiety
Night and day difference..
Reduction in Chlorophyll content, doesn't taste like smoking veggies
Reduction in plant starch content,and sugars, creating a smooth smoke that will just expand nicely in your lungs, won't even feel it go down
Reduction in nitrate levels,less carcinogenic, always good right
polycyclic aromatization of terpenoids altering the flavor profile more robust, less perfumey even soapy and stronger
Reduction of and consistent moisture content, even slow burn and no smoldering or black ash unwilling to burn

3 weeks or so gives bud good enough to smoke or even sell...I wouldn't go longer than 4 months...once its done its won't alter indefinitely

But fresh dryed herb should still be good
What size of pots were you growing in? Also what was the light wattage, I looked back but may have missed it.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to qwizoking again.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to M1dAmber again.

Thanks gentlemen, I believe a two week cure will take care of the taste , did me a ton of reading on the subject..
The research lead me into lots & lots argumentative threads..

The whole flush vs no flush

PS.. like I said, potency is incredible, not sure if I've EVER been sooooo high off only flower, no hash, no oil..and I was unable to keep my eyes open...right off into sleep.

Going to cross my fingers, cure for 14 days with diligence...and hopefully this flavor morphs into deliciousness.
Cure it dabs it will smooth out it happens every time to us. I usually smoke a sample bowl starting at 3 weeks and it's starting to taste and smoke smooth. I used to sample week one now I wait it out as long as I can stand it. Do you have a hygrometer in the jars with the bud so you can tell when to close them? Just curious your cure method.
Thank you CSU!

The only means of checking humidity is the probe thingy that I use in the tent...

Is that suitable?...Sorry, again rookie question..

My method is as follows; hang dry for 4-5 days, paper bag for.2-3 days..then into jars..

Open the jars for a couple hours twice a day, morning and night.

Damn it SN3.. I have not sampled, but it kinda looks horrible..actually..there of no kinda...

it looks horrible

I got this anxiety issue, and it's driving me insane...

Can't really wrap my head around the fact I did all that work, ran up my electric bill, and I feel like thing are turning to shit..

Depressed, tired anxious and just saddened...
My method is as follows; hang dry for 4-5 days, paper bag for.2-3 days..then into jars..

Open the jars for a couple hours twice a day, morning and night.

Sounds like a good cure method, I skip the paper bag myself, but I'm just lazy :twisted:

Don't be to hard on your self dabs, it was your "first rodeo" next time things will get better. Like I said, we will work on your yield and see about getting you random things you need for your grow/cure supplies...

:sleep:I see it's about that time... the kiddo is still up, but I can't stay up any longer... off for one last vape and a short nap, busy day today... have to finish packing for the road trip :mrgreen:
Hey SDA in our limited experience some strains (I believe due to moisture) don't smell the best after jarred but pull thru over a few weeks. We currently use digital hygrometers in the jar that we purchased off eBay from none other than China (big surprise there) for a couple buck each. I don't think you can get an accurate representation of the humidity in the jar from the temp/humid probe that you use in the tent as it usually takes I little time for the humidity to balance out after the lid is closed. I am not sure on the paper bag method never tried that usually take buds from hanging (once stems snap but not snap in half) straight to jars and hygrometers. We burp for sometimes an hour 2x a day depending on the % humidity reading in the jar but it varies quite a bit depending on ambient temp and humidity.
When you say it looks horrible like color wise or what's up there? Also make sure not to leave the jars where sunlight hits them as that will degrade the chlorophyl (that's my story) and change the color of the bud to like brownish.
Thank you CSU!

The only means of checking humidity is the probe thingy that I use in the tent...

Is that suitable?...Sorry, again rookie question..

My method is as follows; hang dry for 4-5 days, paper bag for.2-3 days..then into jars..

Open the jars for a couple hours twice a day, morning and night.

Damn it SN3.. I have not sampled, but it kinda looks horrible..actually..there of no kinda...

it looks horrible

I got this anxiety issue, and it's driving me insane...

Can't really wrap my head around the fact I did all that work, ran up my electric bill, and I feel like thing are turning to shit..

Depressed, tired anxious and just saddened...

Hey bro. SN2 will mellow in a couple of weeks.... but it never does develop a real distinctive taste IMO, but she sure does pack a punch. SN3 just looks ugly, she can't help it that's just how she's made. The high CBD phenos quite often look scraggly as hell. Just hash up SN3 and save that shit for morning meds... it really eases my joints without getting me too baked. The Neville looks badass man. Nice work.
Again, best friends on the planet right here

In this little community...I love the hospitality and encouragement.

Thank you to CSU and Azh....and Bubba

Had a horrible day yesterday, and it showed in my post. ...pain often does this to me; puts me in tooth poor spirits, but with friends like this, it's hard to stay depressed.

@CSU ..yup..I need one of dem thingy's

I learned the paper bag routine from a very experienced grower, he swears by it...he has been perpetual for the last couple of years, so I take the advice he gives and run with it..

I'm sure he will read this and know whom I'm referring to, one of the best.. ;)

@Azh.. Brother, you are very kind..I can't wait to meet you.

@Bubba, Phew...thank you bro... As 3 was drying...I'm looking at it, and just plain” ugly”...haha.

Thank goodness, I'd thought I'd fucked up somewhere along the way, thank you for posting that..

And thank you about the Neville's... She is gorgeous, I'll put some pics up in a bit.

SN2.. as I thought..yielded me 48

Have not weighed 3 yet..

Neville is getting the chop tonight... I lost half of her early on flower due to an imaginary pm scare..
Aha...rookie mistakes...

Just gotta brush it off and keep my chin up...

I got some great friends here..
Thank You To Everybody
The paper bag/cardboard box method is great for that still breathable slow moisture wicking stage of drying.

Not too fast not too slow, don't jump the gun and seal them in jars before ready or you'll find they'll rehydrate and potentially compromise flavor and quality while setting you back a step...

Everything else looks great Sirdabs! I know you've got some good meds there and you will too in time!

Thanks a million GT!!

I get a little hard on myself at times...
This all stems from being somewhat of a perfectionist, OCD like symptoms..

Everything has to be just right, or it drives me crazy...I need to humble myself in this regard.

As I'm learning growing takes practice and it's impossible to be a perfectionist in the first few years of growing..

I very much appreciate everything all you guys have said..
It means a lot more than one would think.
Good Morning Colorado

Got a pic dump... Days 70-77 ish. Neville just keeps on keepin on.. :)






And a pic that I shot last night, Colorado Skyline..

Giving Neville one last dark cycle, gotta make way for the next cycle, lots of work ahead.