SIP’n with Hook Daddy

It’s didn’t realize how long it’s been since I updated. I transferred the PBB, the Wagyu Donutz and the PNWHP to the SIPs three weeks ago, but after a week the PNWHP was looking overwatered and just didn’t seem to take, not sure why. I pulled her out and put the BOO in, who was looking a little crappy but is taking off now loving the SIP. I grabbed a couple pics before lights out, will get more this afternoon. I flipped them to 12/12 on Sat Mar 8, so Less than a week now. Here’s the Wagyu Donutz



Here’s the PBB



I’ll go in later this week and clean up under the canopy and take a couple clones. I’ll also grab pics of the BOO and PNWHP. I have decided to build a 4th SIP and make it a bit smaller, I’m thinking 10-12 Gal but the same overall design. Right now the PNWHP will finish out in a 5 gal pot. When I build it I’ll take images along the way and post them.
I made some time to trim up the PBB and Wagyu Donutz. I took some before pics of the PBB, it’s hard to see how much I actually took off but here they are. I fed them both a couple handfuls of tomato tone and top watered in today as well.



Here’s PBB after, I just went in and cut all bud sites that weren’t going to make it to the canopy out and left all the leaves, most are still very healthy looking so no reason to take them out at this point.




The WD was a bit bushier and has started to stretch, so I added a trellis net to give her some support. It will be needed once she starts packing on the weight and to helps along with the scrog screen to keep things straight. Here she is after the trim.



The BOO is coming along now, she was put in the SIP about 2 weeks after the other two, but is catching up and doing fine. I wasn’t planning on running her at first but the PNWHP stalled when I put her in the SIP so she went in a 5 gallon bucket and BOO got the SIP.



And finally the PNWHP, she bounced right back and is enjoying the bucket, I’ll just have to wait and see how she does. They are all at a week since flipping to 12/12.
