SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

I see a rheumatologist this Wednesday, I hope to get some medicine to help my hands , thank goodness this grow has been simple, plus I flipped to flower earlier to keep them short, I might have to get some help from the family when it's time to harvest
Dang, I hope it goes well! My partner has an autoimmune condition (not RA but similar) that mostly affects the joints in her back and hips. I know (secondhand) how frustrating it can be going through the medical system and trying to find a treatment that works... In her case it seemed like dietary changes, cutting out gluten, alcohol, and dairy, made the biggest difference. Every body is different though and what works for one person is not necessarily right for everyone, just figured I'd put it out there.

I really hope you are able to find relief, and that your family is there to help with the trimming, cuz who likes to do that anyway? :P
Dude I am fighting RA which is a big issue, as the traditional meds aren't working. Prednisone is about the only thing that helps. I am on methotrexate + hydrochloroquine. Hands and elbows hurt, and I can't play guitar (I am semi-pro bluegrass and blues lead guitar). It is so bad I am selling amps and gear. Guess I'll be a retired guitarist soon. :(
i too like to play guitar,, i dont know if i ever will again at this point,, I joined a big RA facebook group and i am familiar with the medication your using based on peoples posts,, I am not sure what meds they may put me on but i am kinda hoping to go straight to Biologics, like humira for instance, this has been the worst pain of my life, to the point of complete disability at times, part of me wants to ignore it,,, with the beleif that it will go away on its own,, but the other part of me is coming to grips that what ever is happening is bad and i need meds now,,, its good to know i am not alone
Dang, I hope it goes well! My partner has an autoimmune condition (not RA but similar) that mostly affects the joints in her back and hips. I know (secondhand) how frustrating it can be going through the medical system and trying to find a treatment that works... In her case it seemed like dietary changes, cutting out gluten, alcohol, and dairy, made the biggest difference. Every body is different though and what works for one person is not necessarily right for everyone, just figured I'd put it out there.

I really hope you are able to find relief, and that your family is there to help with the trimming, cuz who likes to do that anyway? :P
thank you,, we have been gluten free for over 4 years now,,, ( 5 this summer),, my wife had severe reactions to wheat ( modern hybridized wheat), took us a while to figure that out, but wow what a differance, I also stopped drinking booze for over 3 months and did no dairy for 2 months and still my body has broken and this RA stuff has come on strong, its part of what scares me is i believe in the power of diet to help with health and even with a low carb lifestyle and gluten free i still went off the cliff ,,, grrr,, it sucks , but it is what it is,, im at the end of my rope and wednesday i will probably be goingn to the pharmacy to get meds, (that was hard to type because i dont want to go on meds),,, if they prescribe biologics drugs those things are like 5-6 thousand per month,,, im going to have to pay out the nose for good health insurance now,, i am 59 and a long ways from 65 for medicare

my cervical spine is fused solid at the top of my spine, i cant bend my neck,, i was diagnosed with anklyosing sponolitis about 7 years ago, is that what your partner has?
thank you,, we have been gluten free for over 4 years now,,, ( 5 this summer),, my wife had severe reactions to wheat ( modern hybridized wheat), took us a while to figure that out, but wow what a differance, I also stopped drinking booze for over 3 months and did no dairy for 2 months and still my body has broken and this RA stuff has come on strong, its part of what scares me is i believe in the power of diet to help with health and even with a low carb lifestyle and gluten free i still went off the cliff ,,, grrr,, it sucks , but it is what it is,, im at the end of my rope and wednesday i will probably be goingn to the pharmacy to get meds, (that was hard to type because i dont want to go on meds),,, if they prescribe biologics drugs those things are like 5-6 thousand per month,,, im going to have to pay out the nose for good health insurance now,, i am 59 and a long ways from 65 for medicare

my cervical spine is fused solid at the top of my spine, i cant bend my neck,, i was diagnosed with anklyosing sponolitis about 7 years ago, is that what your partner has?
Man that does suck!... Yes ankylosing spondylitis is what she has. She went through few different meds, sulfasalazine, methotrexate, and finally an injectable biologic that provided some relief but was way too expensive after the first few months. Thankfully dietary changes have made enough of a difference for her to not need prescription meds now, but we're only in our 30's so who knows what the next few decades will have in store...

I feel for you man, I hope you and your doc find something that helps you. It definitely seems like autoimmune conditions are not super well understood and modern medicine definitely has a long way to go as far as understanding and treating them.

Wishing you all the best in the garden and in life! :hug::bigjoint:
Man that does suck!... Yes ankylosing spondylitis is what she has. She went through few different meds, sulfasalazine, methotrexate, and finally an injectable biologic that provided some relief but was way too expensive after the first few months. Thankfully dietary changes have made enough of a difference for her to not need prescription meds now, but we're only in our 30's so who knows what the next few decades will have in store...

I feel for you man, I hope you and your doc find something that helps you. It definitely seems like autoimmune conditions are not super well understood and modern medicine definitely has a long way to go as far as understanding and treating them.

Wishing you all the best in the garden and in life! :hug::bigjoint:
Thanks, I wish you 2 all the best also,
i too like to play guitar,, i dont know if i ever will again at this point,, I joined a big RA facebook group and i am familiar with the medication your using based on peoples posts,, I am not sure what meds they may put me on but i am kinda hoping to go straight to Biologics, like humira for instance, this has been the worst pain of my life, to the point of complete disability at times, part of me wants to ignore it,,, with the beleif that it will go away on its own,, but the other part of me is coming to grips that what ever is happening is bad and i need meds now,,, its good to know i am not alone

Check out Dr. Berg on youtube, he has a show on RA. I started his vitamin therapy and it worked well for over a year, but then I relapsed and had to go to a real rheumatologist. The good news is, the therapy is almost identical to the IMASK covid19 protocol. My whole family got covid, except me. They are all vaxxed and I am not. Weird. Now I also have a big bottle of hydrxychloroquine, so I'm vax and covid free, LOL. Looks like the methotrexate+hydrochloroquine is not working for my RA, so they are putting me on a biologic next. Best of luck with that! Watch the Berg vid!

I went to a bluegrass jam, but I took a double dose of prednisone first, and I was able to rattle off some nice fiddle tunes like I used to - but I paid for it the next day. Ow.
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Check out Dr. Berg on youtube, he has a show on RA. I started his vitamin therapy and it worked well for over a year, but then I relapsed and had to go to a real rheumatologist. The good news is, the therapy is almost identical to the IMASK covid19 protocol. My whole family got covid, except me. They are all vaxxed and I am not. Weird. Now I also have a big bottle of hydrxychloroquine, so I'm vax and covid free, LOL. Looks like the methotrexate+hydrochloroquine is not working for my RA, so they are putting me on a biologic next. Best of luck with that! Watch the Berg vid!

I went to a bluegrass jam, but I took a double dose of prednisone first, and I was able to rattle off some nice fiddle tunes like I used to - but I paid for it the next day. Ow.
Isn't that something, I have found the same issue , start to feel somewhat better so I do a few things with my hands , not allot but some house chores and that night or next day I am paying for it dearly with crippling pain,
I'm so bummed about going on meds , I managed to stay off of them going on 7bplus years , now I'm 59 and shits slowly Hitting the fan

In the big Facebook ra group there are allot of stories about people being on biologics for 10 or 20 years a d call it a miracle, I hope that's the case for me, there are a few who had to try different biologics before landing on one that helped them, so I am crossing my fingers for a good outcome, I've done several years of low carb and Dr berg is a corner stone in that world , I'm going to go search for his ra videos Thanks for the tip
To get thread back on topic, here is my first EB/SIP pic (first pic of any kind, here on RIU). Is is a cannarado purple bubblegum fem about 24 days from seed. On the right is a Bodhi Silver Sunshine, awaiting results from FF sex test before it gets a box.
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you have a couple of winners there,, should be a good grow
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Week 5 down..... still not happy with this strain. I don't like how the sugar leaves look.


It's a shame because this first run no till, is working really well. I don't see any signs of deficiency, though I feed her heavy. I'm hoping the buds get as big as they did last time, but the stretch looks more pronounced. :wall:
Well, sex test from Farmer Freeman of the 21-day from seed Bodhi Silver Sunshine came back, and the verdict is MALE. A death sentence has been executed, sadly for him.
I wanted to try the sex test thing once, just for s&g, anyway. Saves a week or two of vegging, if you don't want to wait for pre-flowers to show, but costs about $25 plus shipping, so there's that.
My earthbox plants are hating me right now and I’m not sure what to do. If any of you fine cultivators want to take a look and help a brother out I would be immensely appreciative!
My only thoughts from reading your post was that the soil wasn’t given sufficient time to cook. Is the soil warm?
Also, it doesn’t sound like you used a ph buffer like oyster shell or dolomite lime till later. When I set my sips up, I add a layer of soil to the bottom then add 1 cup per cubic foot of oyster shell. So two cups in a earthbox. Then add the remaining soil. Think lasagna when setting these up.
With all that said, SIPs have a way of correcting any issues that arise on their own. Remember to always LITFA!
Hope this helps !
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My only thoughts from reading your post was that the soil wasn’t given sufficient time to cook. Is the soil warm?
Also, it doesn’t sound like you used a ph buffer like oyster shell or dolomite lime till later. When I set my sips up, I add a layer of soil to the bottom then add 1 cup per cubic foot of oyster shell. So two cups in a earthbox. Then add the remaining soil. Think lasagna when setting these up.
With all that said, SIPs have a way of correcting any issues that arise on their own. Remember to always LITFA!
How this helps !
Thank you @CrunchBerries. I used 1 cup of Coast of Maine Lobster meal per cu/ft. is oyster flour a better choice going forward?

you know, when I put my hand on the mulch cover it does feel pretty warm. I assumed it was just the dark color of the cover combined with the lights, but yeah, soil might be cooking. Just wait it out?

i am going to make sure to always have 50 gallons of soil cooked and already to go moving forward. Really appreciate your reply bud!

edit: what is LIFTA? :)
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Thank you @CrunchBerries. I used 1 cup of Coast of Maine Lobster meal per cu/ft. is oyster flour a better choice going forward?

you know, when I put my hand on the mulch cover it does feel pretty warm. I assumed it was just the dark color of the cover combined with the lights, but yeah, soil might be cooking. Just wait it out?

i am going to make sure to always have 50 gallons of soil cooked and already to go moving forward. Really appreciate your reply bud!

edit: what is LIFTA? :)
Lobster shell would be be used as a nutrient, oyster shell or dolomite lime are used as ph buffers. Although lobster shell may have a natural ph’ing buffer similar to egg shell. Not sure. (Off to google)
Yes, just wait it out.

Basically the way I run it is to have an acidic/bacteria dominate bottom layer, a neutral middle and a more fungal dominate/alkaline top. Certain nutrients are more available at different ph levels, so the plants take what they want, when they want.

Leave It The Fuck Alone. Words to live by
Just did some quick googling and it appears lobster shells are mostly made of chitin. Good stuff to add to a mix, but it doesn’t sound like it has a high calcium carbonate content. My hunch was mag was being locked out due to low PH and that would explain it if true. I will use OSF in future mixes. That leaves me wondering if I should topdress and rough in some dolomite to the top few inches?