Single seed company?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if im in the right forum but i just received my order from the single seed company and i opened it up and i have a cracked seed. Do you guys think they would replace it or no?. Im not gonna go off on some wild tangent like others do, i believe it was a simple mishap. I did email them but im curious if any one else has had this happen and was it easy to replace or a pain in the arse.


Well-Known Member
doesnt matter u might get one good seed out of it the rest are duds trust me bullshyt seeds order from someone else that ships more stealth


Well-Known Member
Well it was only one seed. Cheapest option i had and it was stealth enough to get through customs, and I dont think it got crushed in the DVD case it was in.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Some companies will replace, some won't. I am not familiar with Single Seed Co. so I can't provide any insight. Hopefully they stand behind their seeds. If they don't replace it make sure you let us know so we know not to use them. Nirvana is the best IMO at standing behind their product. They replace seeds if they don't germinate.


Well-Known Member
Well i know for single seed if it doesn't germinate they wont replace but im assuming that at one point it was healthy cause the embryo is there just dried up.


Well-Known Member
call or write customer service see what their procedure is it dont matter what these people say

ive had both rlpace and not replaced some say send it back and issue you credit some just replace some almost say to bad the attitude does singles and is good for replacment and free seeds

good luck


Well-Known Member
Good News!

I got a email back over night reading...

"Very surprised and disappointed to hear that, we'll get a replacement out ASAP.

The Single Seed Centre "

I am super happy about this and i think they got me for a customer for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Problem is the US mail - they can fracture anything. I have sent peyote seeds protected by bubble wrap and they still get smashed to bits - have to send them in a box nowadays.


Well-Known Member
Yea i did pay for guaranteed shipping so i was hoping that they would help me out and they did only bad part is waiting again lol, but at least i'm not sol.


Well-Known Member

I got the replacement seed today it doesn't look fully developed at all but i will germinate and we will see if not i dont think i will recommend this company at all. It's disappointing though because i felt like with a prompt email reply from them to get a replacement that they were going to give me a better looking seed but it looks like if i tried to crush it it would disintegrate into nothing.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your experience...With that, The Single Seed Centre is a very reputable company. Ordered from them twice without a hitch. If your still not happy, fire off another e-mail as I'm sure they'll make it right...


Well-Known Member
Well surprisingly the seed already is well into germination with its tap rot sticking right out. I didnt think it had a chance, maybe its just the strain but ive heard autoflowers always have to hard of shells so they never germinate. I assumed this one was way under developed by the way it looked, no tiger stripes no dark coloring just a darking green color and about the size of half of a regular seed. I was kind of paranoid they were sending me dead seeds cause of my location in the United States.


New Member
I ordered from them twice. Won't be doing it again. Arrived in a DVD case and a seed was cracked. They replaced it which was great but they all ended up being dud so I obviously couldn't get a replacement then. Herbies are a great store and have always arrived in perfect condition. Give them a go.