single plant trash can grow

the church man

Well-Known Member
ok the kush has sprouted. three lil sprouts have been put in the can, alongside their older half-sister. i'm going see what happens in the next week. peace

the church man

Well-Known Member
ok just did some math.

the top of the can is two feet wide, the bottom is twenty inches. so, area of a circle = pi * radius^2. the area at the top of the can is pi^2, which is 9.87 ft^2. the area at the bottom of the can is pi(10/12)^2 which equals 2.18 ft^2. so i add these together and divide by two and get 6.025 ft^2.

so i have a bit over 6 square feet in my trash can.

my lights are 55w, 4100k, 4800 lumens each. so, 6*4800=28800 28800/6.025=4780. so i have 4780 lumens per square foot in the can (approximately. there are more lumens per square foot at the bottom then at the top). this means 54.75 watts per square foot

i'm going to be adding supplementary lighting during flowering.

i just thought i'd share this info with you all. i'm not sure what to take from it but the numbers look good over here.

have a great day and happy smokes


Well-Known Member
or maybe i'm wrong about the tops... i think i may see another potential top forming from one of the lower nodes. there are definately three tops and now possibly a fourth. the lil indica seeds are half germinated. i'm going to put them in rockwool tomorrow and wait for them to sprout. once they do, i'll move them over to the can and watch to see whose growth and i'm impressed with more. the original isn't looking that bad right now, and i'm actually starting to notice growth on her.

i'm contemplating constructing some type of veg chamber or something so that i'll have a vegged female ready to flower when i'm done with this one.
anyone got tips/suggestions?
why not build another can and just rotate them? even use 3 and harvest every 30 days after you get cycle going! that would be way cool. how are you going to supplement lighting during flowering?:bigjoint:

the church man

Well-Known Member
why not build another can and just rotate them? even use 3 and harvest every 30 days after you get cycle going! that would be way cool. how are you going to supplement lighting during flowering?:bigjoint:

i was thinking about doing this too. the problem right now is that i just don't have the space. i like the idea of a perpetual trash can grow. maybe when my situation is all better i'll invest in a couple more.

i was thinking about building a veg chamber from rubbermaid bins and using that. i figure i could cut clones and keep them vegging while one flowers in the can.

even if i pull an ounce of good weed every two months thats an eighth of dank a week.

a rubbermaid vegging chamber and two trash cans would allow me to veg clones then throw them in flower. i could be harvesting a can a month. if i get an ounce a can doing this then i'm up to a quarter of dank a week for me

and i obviously have no idea (who does? haha) how much or what i'll yield. i'm keeping my estimates low so i end up happy with what i'll get. but i don't think that yielding an ounce from this puppy is un realistic

as far as lights go... i'll just add a couple red spectrum lights up top. i was looking at those circular fluorescents but they aren't powerful and really don't put out much light. four cfl's i could wire together and throw them in there. eventually i'd like to get a lil HPS to put up top. the HPS would be mounted in a five gallon bucket that would sit on top of the can. but for now, most likely i will put some cfl's up there for the end of flowering.

i'm not going to supplement with the red lights till after my vertical stretch is done in flowering. i don't want to encourage upward growth, just supplement my spectrum with some reds for the buds...

the church man

Well-Known Member
on second thought.... three trashcans is a great idea. my plant right now is in a four by four rockwool cube and it's roots are all up in the can. i can't imagine how i would go about transplanting a vegged plant into the can. the only access is from the top. it three feet tall and has eight two-inch holes drilled around the sides. can you imagine the damage i might do to a bushy plant? its a much better idea to just have three seperate and complete units each on their own schedule. thanks for that guitarzan420

the church man

Well-Known Member

the original is growing strong. i'm throwing her in flower today. she's grown and is touching the sides of the can and a little bit less than half the height of the can. i'll update with pics later....

leave me some love!!

the church man

Well-Known Member
the lil girl looked great this morning until i broke her. i was trying to figure out how i would go about tying her down a bit and then i touched a stem and *SNAP*


i took immediate action. tape and toothpicks. i supported the break with toothpicks on both sides and taped above and below the break. it snapped right below a node on one of the big main colas. right after it happened you could see the leaves drooping and folding one by one and i could almost hear the silent screams. i feel like i just put so many leaves out of business.... fuck.

hoping she pop's back in a couple days. really really really hoping

this plant has been through so much already. i guess most people's first grows probably go through some shit. anybody got any stories about this?


Well-Known Member
My very first seedling was eaten by my cat. I took it out of my cabinet to water it, turned my back for a second only to find my cat hovering over a pot completely bare except for the dirt, chewing and purring. From then on, every time I open my cabinet he's right there at my feet, itching to get his face in there and chew up s'more leaves. I had to baby-proof my cabinet because of him. He loves the buds too. Twice he's swiped some buds from my friends, only for me to find 'em chewed up and soggy some time later. Recently I've started to grow a little bit of catnip in my cabinet for him now because I felt bad I couldn't share my medicine with him. He prefers catnip anyway, so it's all good.

the church man

Well-Known Member
she's in flower and still growing! pretty happy about everything. i recently tied down some branches and they are growing like mad. when i look into the can i barely can see the hydroton at the bottom! she's filling it up so well!

i'll update as soon as i'm around... lo prometo

the church man

Well-Known Member
i'll be doing some tying today. it needs it. i suppose that if its done well enough that i should have enough room to work with, but its hard to tell. does tying delay flowering? what about supercropping?

she's showing more pistils daily so i'm guessing another three to four weeks of growth. i think i'll be harvesting around mid-january


hey man, I'm new to rollitup but I've been looking for other "High-Pod" grows and yours looks amazing! I'm a first time grower myself but I stumbled upon this single plant way of growing after I already bought a bunch of stuff :cry: for a multi-plant grow, sigh, eventually I'll invest in a nice setup like you have and just grow one at a time. Keep up the good work, and I don't think tying should be much of a problem during flowering, but I'd hold off on supercropping so you don't stress your lady out too much, just my 2 cents. Keep up the good work!

the church man

Well-Known Member
thanks for the love seedster!

if you'd like directions on how to build it i could come up with something. its fairly simple to build. everything fits together with velcro and good measurements

overall, this thing cost me around three hundred or so, but i got some stuff free and tried to cut down on cost whenever possible.

the only thing that i have left to buy is a carbon filter.

good luck on your first grow! i'm excited to finish mine up...


Thanks! Ya I hope to build one of these a few months from now so if you could find some spare time to list the parts and specs of your grow that would be great.

As for a carbon filter, I was planning on buying a $100 one for some time but instead followed this guide:

and attached it to the end of my exhaust...The thing works great and the smell went away after a few hours! Though not totally sure if this will work with the high-pod design...

Happy growing!