single plant growing (help)

hello fellow smokers:eyesmoke:

i've always smoked hash, so im new to the marijuana area since im living in a different country right now and their hash sucks!!

so i got into weed but it got me flat broke, thank god i kept a few seeds just in case i plan on growing.

I really dont know whats it called or where it came from, all i know that its locally grown and widely spread here.

i read all the stuff you need to grow but it's all for growing a big bunch of plants and very expensive for me, and really suspicious to get except for online and i cant order to this country.

anyway, to the point, what do i need? how long does it take?

and i read, that the soil used to grow tomato is good for growing, i can get a small tomato plant in the down town market with a pot and use its soil plus a free pot.

so gimme all the info you can offer, and im open for any other ideas you guys have

thanks in advance


Active Member
First off:

• You need to determine a budget.
• Then you can decide what kind of lights to use. (CFL's, HPS, MH, etc)
• Then drop that idea about the tomato plant. Why would you give your baby marijuana plant dirt that's already been sucked of its nutes by a dumb tomato plant?
• Get dirt bro.

Once you do that, you can start constructing. Good materials to grab if you just want to rig the structure are duct tape and cardboard boxes. Read around the forums and take ideas from experienced growers because chances are they wont give you false information.

Read read read. That's what we do.
well, as you can tell im not much of a reader :wall: thick skull and my english isnt that good either, but i try my best.

anyway, on an average allowance, how much would you suggest on a budget ?

thanks for the reply


Active Member
...budget is up to u bro... for jus 1 plant cheapest shit u could do... id prolly say like $250 will give u a nice lil personal setup and.yield
so the whole growing process for a farm is technically the same for a single plant, only less and smaller stuff to use??

what about the time i need from putting down the seeds in soil, till i get the stuff that i could smoke?


Active Member
If you can't get stuff online, cfls and fluorescent tubes are easiest to find locally and as far as time and cost you can get away with a cheap setup under 100 that'd probably give you an ounce or two every three months.
If you can't get stuff online, cfls and fluorescent tubes are easiest to find locally and as far as time and cost you can get away with a cheap setup under 100 that'd probably give you an ounce or two every three months.
yeah the cfls is much better considering the size and it doesnt drain electricity too, so what do u suggest? get a couple cfls diffrent sizes, a big one for seeding and a smaller one when it grows?or a medium sized with a good foiled cabinet?


Well-Known Member
Veg is the erly growing stage. Yes flower is the 12/12. And you said you don't know what the seeds are. Each plant is a little different. You could have a auto flower plant that will start to bud when it's ready and takes about 8-9 weeks. You a indica that can take 8-10 weeks after 12/12. Or a sativa that can take 10-14 weeks of 12/12. But when you veg the plant grow it to 1/3 the size you want to finish at. And a cheep way is use T8 grow/aquarium bulbs found at your hardwhere store/pet shop. New soil from a garden store and a pot. A cheep ocilating fan and a closet. Around 40 bucks you got a very basic noob grow. The buds won't be as dence as you might find and yield isn't going to be that large. But if you take your time do it right the smoke will be better then normal bag weed. Also there are tons of ways to make hash when you harvest you can go that way


Well-Known Member
well, as you can tell im not much of a reader :wall: thick skull and my english isnt that good either, but i try my best.

anyway, on an average allowance, how much would you suggest on a budget ?

thanks for the reply
I have a set up for 4 plants that I've spend only about $100 on, including lights, fixtures, soil, pots, fertilizer and fan. CFL's are a cheap way to go as far as lights, look into the Indoor CFL forums. Oh, and just a hint...Thrift stores are GREAT for cheap shit...