Single plant Grapefruit X Diesel


Active Member
This is my first official outdoor grow. I have done a handful of indoor grows running numerous different strains

I had some trouble with the police and kept low for a year or so.

I wanted to grow 1 small plant... It grew a hell of a lot bigger then I thought it would..

First off my mix consists of 1 bale Promix HP. 1 30Liter bag of Worm Castings. 1 Bag Sheep manuer, 1 bag cow manuer. 2 bags bat guano.. I also added some extra perlite.

I dug a hole about 3 feet deep by 5 feet around. Filled it with my mix.

My clone was planted around 8 inches tall back in early May.

These pics are about a month old..



Active Member
Here are some more recent pics..

I am growing the plant with the main stem tied down.
The first pic of the two shows the top of the plant.

I have been feeding small amounts of guano and compost tea with Sea kelp extract.

I also do some foliar feeding with the Kelp Extract.

Any questions ask away...