single cola plants


Active Member
i have a plant that has almost no branching, the bottom ones have grown about an inch, does this mean that the plant will end up being just one big cola, here is a picture of the plant, it was outside but i have brought in to flower, let me know what you think of it please


View attachment 1123939

trichlone fiend

New Member
...the lower tops will branch out, and you'll have a huge plant, not just the single cola. However, if you only wanted the single cola you could "lollipop" your ladies.


Active Member
thanks for the reply, do yo have any good guides on how to lollipop a plant?

will the lower tops branch out as its flowering or should i let it veg longer till they start to grow?

new guy25

Well-Known Member
It will branch out you can see from the new sets close to the that THICK stem. looking good mate

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I personally lollipop my ladies during week #2-3 of flowering. I remove all growth from the bottom of the plant, about 1/3rd of the way up. You can view my journal in my sig. to see my ladies. I get some nice colas. :)

Trainwreck forearm long colas.jpgtrainwreck day 57(e).jpgTrainwreck harvest.jpgTrainwreck harvest(h).jpgTrainwreck harvest(e).jpgTrainwreck harvest(f).jpg