Single Cola Grow Journal (Round 2)


Well-Known Member
Very cool man..I like did you pose for this one?

Yah man I just saw that ( Wow ).....I was the first to post in your thread....I think that's pretty wild...who would have thought?

P.s t.s. is down!!!
haha yea man i got real high and started to turn colors...


Well-Known Member
thats exactly what i wanted to try but i just need to buy a sheet of 1/4" thick white plastic, i guess them plastic shower panels would work on small trays but would flex to much on the larger trays
I bought a piece of plastic type of wallboard from home depot that works great, it was something like 40 bucks for a 4x8 sheet, then i cut holes in it for the net pots, glued some pvc pipe for legs (cut to length) to keep it at the height of the lip on your tray.. works awesome...


Well-Known Member
I bought a piece of plastic type of wallboard from home depot that works great, it was something like 40 bucks for a 4x8 sheet, then i cut holes in it for the net pots, glued some pvc pipe for legs (cut to length) to keep it at the height of the lip on your tray.. works awesome...
sweet man i might have to give it a go on my 2x4 tray's


Well-Known Member
i only want to try it cause i can turn my table into a dwc or fogger... and i wouldnt have to use any medium ever again i could just take my clones with the foam rubber cloning discs and place right into the plastic cover... sounds like a great idea cause them cubes get pricy


Well-Known Member
i only want to try it cause i can turn my table into a dwc or fogger... and i wouldnt have to use any medium ever again i could just take my clones with the foam rubber cloning discs and place right into the plastic cover... sounds like a great idea cause them cubes get pricy
I did that wiith an aero/dwc I made, I just cut holes in the plastic, cut the bottoms out of the baskets and inserted neoprenes.. works great. On your dwc/swc plans (sounds like the same thing i did on a different setup), find a way to keep the airstone directly under the plant in the tray, i used clips under the net pots (i still use hydroton).. Theres many ways of doing it tho.. but the lid works great...

edit and if you can try to put your intake and overflow on opposite ends of the tray for good water circulation or two on both ends....


Well-Known Member
you know i been using my trays for years with in and out in the same side but lots of people been setting them up with duel lately??


Well-Known Member
you know i been using my trays for years with in and out in the same side but lots of people been setting them up with duel lately??
for a true ebb and flow i dont think it matters much but when converting to an swc/dwc i think it matters alot since the root mass will restrict water flow and create dead spots the multiple in/outs really makes a big differnce..

You have to play around with the swc a little, for awhile you will still ebb and flow until you have good root mass, but you will do it very frequenty (unlike ebb and flow), you will cycle the water every half hour or so and once at night, when you get alot of root mass you will put the riser in and only cycle the water out every few hours by turning the pumps on, at that point put your airstones on full time...

Am I making sense?

When no water is in the tray - stones off
eventually you will always have water in the tray - stones on all the time, but the pump will cycle the water from your res every few hours from both ends.. you can easily just put a T in your pum line and add an over flow...


Well-Known Member
totally makes sence, and now t hat you schooled me i will add a second in and out when i convert tray... thanks bro..


Well-Known Member
totally makes sence, and now t hat you schooled me i will add a second in and out when i convert tray... thanks bro..
No worries at all, you've helped me alot more than you know just watching this journal.. I love tweeking my systems, soo many great ideas out there..

Also, check out petsmart, they have 4 head airpumps for about 30 bucks each, i use 4 of them on my 3x3 tray (16 net pots) so each has their own airline.. and on my 2x4 table i have 2 4 head and 1 2 head air pump (10 net pots).. They sell these bags of small clips with attachments for a few bucks that work good for this application, since theres suction cups in there as well with clips..


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the tips on the pumps i do need to get another one for that tray i wanna play with.. any ideas on how to make a fogger? or where to get a cheep one?


Well-Known Member
alright so i cleaned some more yesterday and made some clones... and im bout to go clean some more and spray my moms and new clones with fish oil... as soon as this crop is fully dried and i make hash and kief i will post pics and start another thread for my newest..

should i start a perpetual or just do another sog... hummmm??


Weed Modifier
well you have already done the why not go with a perpetual this time? but it is up to you man? what about doing a monster single cola plant one light? idk

I just realized i think im doing a perpetual !!! PDW...haha thought i was just doing one at a time but there is always one being flowered! lol so does that consider me as a PDW style?


Well-Known Member
it sure does lime.. so i was thinkin about using my 3x6 tray for flowering a weekly perpetual harvest.. for boost cycle i will set up a 2x4 right where my queens were flowering.. it sound apealing to me...


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the tips on the pumps i do need to get another one for that tray i wanna play with.. any ideas on how to make a fogger? or where to get a cheep one?
I never did a fogger and only read a little about em, not sure if this is right or not but i vaguely recall temp issues with foggers?? Don't quote me on that... But on that 2x4 table, once you get both ends ebbing and flowing with good root mass just keep the pumps going with the airstones on and you'll like it... you should be fine with a 20 gallon res, i'm doing it on a dutch irrigation tray with a 5 gallon res (4 plants)..


Weed Modifier
it sure does lime.. so i was thinkin about using my 3x6 tray for flowering a weekly perpetual harvest.. for boost cycle i will set up a 2x4 right where my queens were flowering.. it sound apealing to me... that would be like harvest every week? how would you compensate for the varying heights of the plants???


Well-Known Member
I never did a fogger and only read a little about em, not sure if this is right or not but i vaguely recall temp issues with foggers?? Don't quote me on that... But on that 2x4 table, once you get both ends ebbing and flowing with good root mass just keep the pumps going with the airstones on and you'll like it... you should be fine with a 20 gallon res, i'm doing it on a dutch irrigation tray with a 5 gallon res (4 plants)..
sweet i already have that table set up with a 45g res.. i just have to get another flood and drain kit and replumb and cover im headed to home depot in the morning to check out there plastic selections... this should work great for veg.. way faster im thinking


Well-Known Member that would be like harvest every week? how would you compensate for the varying heights of the plants???
well im thinking i will still keep them small so the canopy difference should not be that far off.. im thinking it will be kinda wavy from one side to the other but with only about 10" difference from the day one to 5 week old plants but they will only be right next to eachother for 1 week, no worries with that cause i figure they could use some shade to help with the hid shock


Well-Known Member
sweet i already have that table set up with a 45g res.. i just have to get another flood and drain kit and replumb and cover im headed to home depot in the morning to check out there plastic selections... this should work great for veg.. way faster im thinking
lemme see if i can find a link of the stuff i got... gimme 5-10 minutes


Weed Modifier
well im thinking i will still keep them small so the canopy difference should not be that far off.. im thinking it will be kinda wavy from one side to the other but with only about 10" difference from the day one to 5 week old plants but they will only be right next to eachother for 1 week, no worries with that cause i figure they could use some shade to help with the hid shock
Cool....i just was trying to picture it in my head but that is a good way of explaining it...Have you heard of monstercropping???