Single Cola 600w (Humboldt Seed Co., Devils Harvest Seed Co., seedsman and more....

I love the smoke reports devil.. Keep up with the great grow..

cheers man much appreciation, keep checking it out, got the new batch looking good, about a week before the almighty flip. will put some more pics on tomro, the pic uploader is fucking about atm

really impressive results from the veganics even in the short space of time ive been using it - about 4 or 5 days i think

WP_20140202_001[1].jpg all my ladies :D
smoke reports - sorry for being lazy as fuck with these


Baag Apeal 9/10
Smell - piney, fermenting fruit, grapes and blues diesel 9/10 - potential to be 10/10 easy
taste - dankilicous, but could be more. diesel and fruit on the inhale, sour peppery diesellyness and dry mouth on the exhale - 8/10 could be stronger, but this wasnt a brilliant grow so next time fingers crossed, got a nice little 8-10 top bush of it going on for this next one.
stone - creepy stone, couple of spliffs knocks you on your ass. not great for bonging, too expansive smoke. 8/10

All in all i fucking like this and i believe it has the potential to be a real keeper when i got it dialed in. The veganics will make the odour and taste pop even more than they already do - and its not bad - im just really picky, especially with my og's, chemmy strains and diesel strains. oh yh got 31g from it.

Seedsman white widow

This is a simple and perfect example of why some people chat shit online about strains. i am a heavy smoker. i sometimes forget that other peoples tolerance may not be as high. im not even going to dignify this with a smoke report. it is NOT white widow. it is some cloying pineappley waste of time and space in my garden. lacking of any real excessive crystalisation in comparison to others, no real stone. just that horrible generic pineappley taste that every fruity strain of weed seems to taste of at the moment. truely eurgh! ***(IMO)***

Lost coast OG

Bag appeal. 9/10. very pretty crystally solid buds.
Smell. musky. underwhelming 6/10 (7/10 when broken)
taste - meeehhhh kinda dissapoiting nothing really, a bit of citrus nothing too exorbitant. i think this is a satva leaning pheno that needed a few more weeks. 7/10
stone - FUCK ME! 10/10. mate had a tiny one skinner with about 0.1 grams in it, he had open eyed visuals. its strong. was tripping and had a smoke of this the other week and it was so strong i fell asleep (6 hours into a 12 hour exp)

weighed up at 32g, not too bad for an og but not great. running it again, has potential.

will do some more in the next few days, but suffice to say it was all good except the widow and the purple haze to a lesser degree. few dissapointing ones though.
That lost coast sound bomb. Or well the high anyways. Maybe after curring a while the taste and smell will start to come out. My FireOGKush was the same way...

Sucks about that WW, but where I'm at anyways that's why it dwindled away to just a memory.. To many darned knockoffs and this and that and next thing you know a champion like WW was gone...
Im working on making my own strain right now, but I promice if it turns out fire I'm gonna be tight as fuck with my clones.. Loyalty with weed is becoming about as rare as a unicorn these days and I want mine to live.

That lost coast sound bomb. Or well the high anyways. Maybe after curring a while the taste and smell will start to come out. My FireOGKush was the same way...

Sucks about that WW, but where I'm at anyways that's why it dwindled away to just a memory.. To many darned knockoffs and this and that and next thing you know a champion like WW was gone...
Im working on making my own strain right now, but I promice if it turns out fire I'm gonna be tight as fuck with my clones.. Loyalty with weed is becoming about as rare as a unicorn these days and I want mine to live.

yh man i was hoping that but so far nothing just seriious hashy mustyness. like i said i fucked up with the nutes and they took an extra week to go into flower due to being flowered very early. as they were all on drippers and one res i had to sacrifice the quality of the few for the many. ironically if i hadnt i would have done alot better i think.

Yh man i think the only thing to do is go with the mns black widow but i hear reports that even this is not the same anymore. i mean fair enough the things been going since early 90's and shanti is so big on i always keep parent plants, keeping that male and female around for 20 years whilst moving to switzerland and back and hear and there must have been a ball ache, who knows maybe something went wrong and now we have lost it for good.

I like the idea, but at the same time, i dont agree with ownership iof genetics. they are there for everyone. every new cross is a gift to the community. we are all neighbours, part of the same union, the beautiful thing about cannabis is it takes away those boundaries rthat seperate people in the rest of society. you may be black white hispanic, old young male or female, but that doesnt matter one final fuck because we both love this plant enough to dedicate some of our lives and beings into it. Yh man everyone likes that glory of creating something new, but personally, if every fucker wants that cut i would find more happiness in knowing loads of people around the country or even globe are enjoying something i created. if someone wants to rip it off and make seeds, fair game. its a bit shitty but its also a huge compliment, cos people dont smoke shit then go u know wat im gonna breed with this do they? and if ur clever u can have ur cake and eat it. look at shanti. he created ww and super silver to name but a couple. every other fucker gets a pack of fems and cross polls and brings their own out within a year or so. 20 years on dude, what does everyone know - Arjan is a bitch, Greenhouse is shit, Shanti is king and so is MNS. if anything shanti came out if this fucking good. pass that clone around get it fucking popular. then corss it out make something better in the time its circulating, and make some seeds, bang u h ave the basis for a seed company. your hook is - heeey bitches, that fly swag no one known where it came from that everyones been chatting about, all the dispensaries and seed cos and coffeeshops have been selling feminized seeds for that arent the same, weeelll i got the real deal, i made that fucker, and here are the genuine F1s (or s1s i forget my breeding lingo ha ah)
Man I got mixed feelings on what you said. Personally I never been tight with any of my clones, but if your working on something new and rare you don't want every tom dick and hairy growing it out and distributing it before you get a chance to perfect the cross or even finish your own testing on it. That would be bull shit to have something you worked for ruined before you put it out yourself. That actually happened to a friend of mine with a strain he made and passed on to me with strict instructions not to share. Well I did share with one guy whom I love and trust with my life, but than he turned around and did the same with just a few clones and next thing I knew this guy I don't even know turned said clone into mom and was pumping out pounds of this stuff. That just made me look like an ass and all I tried to do was hook up a boy with some free clones "for personal use".
As far as people taking a clone and making fem beens well if all your doing is using them seeds for personal grows then that's all good and quite frankly the same as just starting a mom and having endless clones. To me that's only wrong if you turn around and try to sell those beens for profit.
I do agree with you on all genetics should be there for all to continue to grow and create with but I for one want to grow out mine to all it can be and distribute it on my terms and Not by another grower that for one might be a hack or 2 a commercial grower pumping out quantity over quality for profit. After "I" put it out, shit! I will spread seeds and clones out to the winds and not care one bit. But not a day sooner..
Lol this same guy that fucked me the last time I actually met and is now a good friend. Anyways he was just hounding me for new clones the other day cause all his mommas died. I said I will give you the commons only, but the exclusives are staying locked up tight until I get the word it's ok to share.. He was mad but fuck if I'm gonna make an ass of myself twice.. I would never get exclusives and sneak peeks again if I did that..
Thats just my two cents cause I still believe in integrity.

nice post Devil and nice debate. Lol