single black spot

sno capz

Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out what this could be?

Here's my run down...

Breeder: Emerald Triangle
Strain: Cherry OG
Temps: 78-84f
Humidity: 41% - 53%
Nutrients Used:
GO biothrive
GO bioweed
GO biomarine
GO camag
pH : 5.3
Medium: Rockwool/Hydroton
Feeding Schedule: 1/4 strength every other day for 3 feedings then 4th feeding just water.
Age: 4 weeks (veg)
Lighting: T5 HO
Light Schedule: 18/6

I've had no issues with bugs, heat or humidity. Anyone have any ideas?


sno capz

Well-Known Member
Cool... Not really worried as much as I am interested. Lol. I read something about black spot fungus but it's described as a black spot with a yellow ring around the outside of the spot. Clearly not my case but it's all I could find

sno capz

Well-Known Member
no big deal. you have good air circulation?
Very good airflow... Practically a completely open area with 3 windows creating wonderful cross circulation. Windows stay open, screens with absolutely no damage or reveals where they butt up against the window opening itself. 1 oscillating fan floor level... Believe me when I say the airflow is more than efficient... Helps to keep my room temps down

sno capz

Well-Known Member
I do have a single AK 47 seed that popped but once it grew it's first set of leaves it seems to just stay the same size and the plant leaves looks all mutated... Something I have never seen before and I've ran my fair share of grows. Oh well I guess it just wasn't meant to be lol. Time to toss it and start a new strain... The question is...

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