SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell ya bro.. he's a good looking dog... you know, its sad the pits get the bad rap that they do... they are such lovers... all of mine think they are lap dogs... they are a trip...
very nice grow bro, some good lookin dogs.
here in oreron they were trying to get a law passed that they wanted to youthinize all bit bulls. i belive now they want all pit bull owners to regester their dogs. fucked up ha, poor dogs and its not there fault its their owners that give them the bad name. i have 3 four legged kids myself.



Well-Known Member
very nice grow bro, some good lookin dogs.
here in oreron they were trying to get a law passed that they wanted to youthinize all bit bulls. i belive now they want all pit bull owners to regester their dogs. fucked up ha, poor dogs and its not there fault its their owners that give them the bad name. i have 3 four legged kids myself.

that sucks they would make owners do that shit... i actually got kicked out of an apartment a few years ago for having a pit.. then i had to call about 50 different insurance companies to even get home owners insurance because of them... its assholes like vick who ruin things for the rest of us..

nice lookin dogs yourself... im amazed you were able to keep those hats on them for the pics... mine would have taken if off and ripped it up before i could have gotten the camera up to take the pic!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that sucks they would make owners do that shit... i actually got kicked out of an apartment a few years ago for having a pit.. then i had to call about 50 different insurance companies to even get home owners insurance because of them... its assholes like vick who ruin things for the rest of us..

nice lookin dogs yourself... im amazed you were able to keep those hats on them for the pics... mine would have taken if off and ripped it up before i could have gotten the camera up to take the pic!!
my lab the midle pic,he did not care for the hat but i did manage to get the pics.


Well-Known Member
yepyep insurance fuckers...same thing here. had to go thro like 20 companies till i found 1 that wouldnt exclude my dog from the home owners retarded...
that sucks they would make owners do that shit... i actually got kicked out of an apartment a few years ago for having a pit.. then i had to call about 50 different insurance companies to even get home owners insurance because of them... its assholes like vick who ruin things for the rest of us..

nice lookin dogs yourself... im amazed you were able to keep those hats on them for the pics... mine would have taken if off and ripped it up before i could have gotten the camera up to take the pic!!


Well-Known Member
yepyep insurance fuckers...same thing here. had to go thro like 20 companies till i found 1 that wouldnt exclude my dog from the home owners retarded...
state farm covers without any penalty... some places charge extra for "aggressive" breeds.. state farm is so far the only insurance company that doesnt care..


so i got bad news... my buddy with the camera stood me up... he was supposed to be here a few hours ago and still hasnt shown... fuckin procrastinators... always putting shit off... i was gonna go over and get it from him... but ill prolly just wait until tomorrow... :-D

anyways im hoping to have it tomorrow or monday... i really want to get some good close ups to share...

and i need some opinions... i have the ka bloom blossom and fruit ripener.. its specifically made for medicinal plants.. says so right on the pack!! :lol: ill take a pic of it and post it..

it is 2-45-28.. pretty sure thats what it says... its meant for use in the last 2 to 3 weeks of flowering to bulken buds, make them swell, you know all that good stuff we want to happen... have any of you used this before?? and do you think i should give it another week before i start using it or go ahead and start now?? i wont water for a few more days... and this up coming thursday will end week 5... just wanted other input...

thanks for the advice and hope to have more pics up tomorrow...



Well-Known Member
so i was checkin out the girls before lights out tonight... and to my surprise i found more mites.. just a small out break.... gonna neem feed a few more times... it sucks because i cant spray.... or wont at least... i think i might do the pest strip thing... i REALLY REALLY dont like the idea of using chemicals... but this late in the game i cant spray... damn mites... prolly got them while me and my buddy were doing the electrical shit... the dogs went out a few times during the time he was here... if they got eggs or whatever on them and then transfered them to our clothes it would explain it.. oh well.. regardless of how i got them i have to get them out VERY VERY soon... oh well.. this is a been there done that problem.. it just sucks...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so i was checkin out the girls before lights out tonight... and to my surprise i found more mites.. just a small out break.... gonna neem feed a few more times... it sucks because i cant spray.... or wont at least... i think i might do the pest strip thing... i REALLY REALLY dont like the idea of using chemicals... but this late in the game i cant spray... damn mites... prolly got them while me and my buddy were doing the electrical shit... the dogs went out a few times during the time he was here... if they got eggs or whatever on them and then transfered them to our clothes it would explain it.. oh well.. regardless of how i got them i have to get them out VERY VERY soon... oh well.. this is a been there done that problem.. it just sucks...
yes i now what youmean about spraying vhem's while in flower. but then i found this, i have sprayed up to 7 weeks in flower. shit works great all organic.:hump: and it smells like cloves. it dosn't leave a bad taste in the bud and the clove smell goes away in a day.



Well-Known Member
yes i now what youmean about spraying vhem's while in flower. but then i found this, i have sprayed up to 7 weeks in flower. shit works great all organic.:hump: and it smells like cloves. it dosn't leave a bad taste in the bud and the clove smell goes away in a day.
thanks for the tip bro.. ill check for this... got a few hydro stores fairly close i can go to...



so i feel like a complete dumb ass... the shit i have im using is KOOLBLOOM not KA BLOOM... yeah... im an idiot... i have a couple pics of it so you can check it out and see what you think... let me know!!

also got some new pics.. i couldnt wait for my buddies camera.. lol ill get it though to get some good close ups... the trich production is sick.. im just still blown away how well these girls are doing even though they are root bound.... should give you plenty of hope for your root bound clones MYGIRLS.. bongsmilie

i know some of the plants show signs of nute burn... remember there are multiple plants in each pot.. so not every girl will use nutes the same... i feed them about 1/2 to 3/4 strength nutes so i can minimize nute burn... but i still get a lil bit...




Medical Marijuana (MOD)
nothing wrong with that at all. fuck as soon as im done feeding the bud blood the 1st week in flowershit i mix my big bud 0-15-40 and supper bloom 0-52-34 2gether and feed althe way threw. fucking huge buds. you will be fine with that.hell i even start at full strength on both packages. yep id say they are looking good bro. keep it up.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell thats not nute burn, its just sucking everything out of it and to your hug as buds. them plants look sweet man.


Well-Known Member
you can see the sativa dominance in them... long thin buds... i think the tall girl will end up with a 1 1/2 to 2 foot bud.. i am hoping at least! the only real traces of the indica that really stand out in them is their flower time... it keeps it to an 8 week flower... i like to harvest at about 50/50 trich coloring.... just keep countin down the days....

so MG, what your saying is you use the equivalent of the above koolbloom stuff your entire flowering, just in smaller amounts?? think i should have gone with my gut and done that myself.. but again i was much more timid with this flower than i would normally be because of the potting situation... but ill definatly start using it on the next water... cant wait to see how well it works...


Well-Known Member
damn those plants look excellent..thick and huge 1ft colas..damn man..doin something right. wut day are u at ?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the compliments guys... always an ego booster... lol

today is day 31.... so maybe around 25 to 30 days left... im past the half way mark! over the hill.. its all down hill from here... lol im really interested to see what this koolbloom does to the girls... doesnt take much either... 1/4 tsp per gallon.. this stuff is intense! along with my normal regiment plus the 6th week explosion right around the corner im hoping to see some sick bulkening here over the next 14 days....

another ? for you guys... i've been using sugar daddy throughout this flowering... it came in the sample pack of those BC products... basically is a flavor/aroma ehancer... a stress resistor... and helps some other things... well i ran out of the sample.. but i have the equivalent in the general hydrponics line... before using the sample pack tho i just used molasses.. and i still have some... so should i just use the molasses or should i dip into the GH stuff??


Well-Known Member
so thought i'd share this laugh with you.. i lay my lighter on the top of my bong... and fucking dropped iit in.. heres a pic... i know im not the only one this has happened to.. but it still never gets old to laugh at... except i cant get it out... looks like im changing out the water....bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
im using flora nova one part. do you think i should be adding things to it? i heard that flora nova was the best one part thaT THERE IS.


Well-Known Member
so thought i'd share this laugh with you.. i lay my lighter on the top of my bong... and fucking dropped iit in.. heres a pic... i know im not the only one this has happened to.. but it still never gets old to laugh at... except i cant get it out... looks like im changing out the water....bongsmilie
That was funny...I have had that happen...I love to change my water. I don't know if its true but I heard of someone getting a mushroom in there lungs from bad bong water. That shit is nasty, it unreal when you meet some one and the tell you with pride how long its been since they have changed there water.


Well-Known Member
ya that suks..i think weve almost all done that once..or twice. haha.. im using the AN big bud booster, right alongside grandmas unsulfered mollassas from alberstons..


Well-Known Member
im using flora nova one part. do you think i should be adding things to it? i heard that flora nova was the best one part thaT THERE IS.
i like the flora line... and if you want a 2 part nute for the ease that is fine... ie a one part veg nute and one part flower nute.. i guess "the best" depends on point of view... if you use it and like it and get good results then go with it! i personally like 3 part nutes.. ie a veg nute, flower nute, and supplement used throughout.. you can customize applications this way and taylor fit your nute feeding amounts to your plants a lot more... it just sorta depends on what you want and the time you want to spend... but as far as a base nute, using what you have IS supplying all the major and micro nutes your plant needs... you can get a lot of supplements that increase bud size, taste, aroma, stuff that helps the plant absorb more nutes, stuff that helps increase sugar content... again this is up to you.. if you have the money to spend and want to push your plants to the max then go investigate some products.. but if you just want "to get some for yourself" then you have everything you need... IMO i would stick with the general hydroponics line since you already are using the flora line if you decide to get other supplements... ill be happy to tell you exactly what i use and will be using.. ive used the GH line a while...

That was funny...I have had that happen...I love to change my water. I don't know if its true but I heard of someone getting a mushroom in there lungs from bad bong water. That shit is nasty, it unreal when you meet some one and the tell you with pride how long its been since they have changed there water.
i dont think you can grow mushrooms in your lungs from bong water... sounds like a stoner urban legend to me.. lol i love clean water for sure... its sooo much better... im almost embarassed when i have people over and the water is dirty... id rather the house be messy than the bong be dirty... i need to clean it all the way out.. fill it up with alcohol and let it sit over night... just gotta commit myself to not smoking for as long as it takes to clean it...

ya that suks..i think weve almost all done that once..or twice. haha.. im using the AN big bud booster, right alongside grandmas unsulfered mollassas from alberstons..

glad to hear im not alone on this... :-D i am using the bloom and supplement part of the bc line, thrive alive, a blossom booster, a mag/cal supplement right now, plus im going to start using that koolbloom stuff, do you think that the molasses might be over kill?? i suppose i can always try it in one application and see what happens... my girls are strong.. im not to worried about it if its a little much on one application... just will have to adjust the feeding accordingly...


Well-Known Member
i just add 1teaspoon per gal of the mollassas as much of the time as i can..its lil pain in the asss cause its real sticky..have to wipe the side of the jar off everytime..

im usin alot of additives 2 from AN ...besides the 3part grow. micro. bloom. bigbud..and mollassas...only thing ive cut out is into 4thweek of bloom... i dont have a ec im hopn im doin em decent w/ my measuring cup ways...leaf tips are a lil burnt not bad tho..


Well-Known Member
i just add 1teaspoon per gal of the mollassas as much of the time as i can..its lil pain in the asss cause its real sticky..have to wipe the side of the jar off everytime..

im usin alot of additives 2 from AN ...besides the 3part grow. micro. bloom. bigbud..and mollassas...only thing ive cut out is into 4thweek of bloom... i dont have a ec im hopn im doin em decent w/ my measuring cup ways...leaf tips are a lil burnt not bad tho..
its a huge pain for me.. i got a gallon jug of it.. :dunce: i actually got it from my last job.. has lasted a long long time... but damn is it inconveinent to pour from... i havent been watching ph or ec at all this grow... i am using a little medicine syringe thingy to measure out my nute quantaties.. wish it was bigger than it is... its only 3 ml... but its the smallest thing i could find since im only mixing a gal at time...

i never worry to much about a little nute burn... i hate those people who freak out over ever little brown spot, or little bit of yellowing... it drives me crazy... i watch my plants... and "listean" to what they are "saying"... but its still a plant... and as hard as we try to have a perfect plant every grow, its crazy to think that it can be done... know what i mean??