simple weed tea questions need answers


Well-Known Member
so I have a rough day ahead of me and I need something to take the edge off:mrgreen: so to make tea can i just poor some boiling water over some weed, wait 90 min. add some sugar then drink or does the THC need butter or oil rather than just the sugar? after it's done how do I get the weed out? c one more, can I put in like a green tea thing to make it taste better?


Well-Known Member
just put maybe 1/4 of whats in a tea bag into a mint tea bag, will i trip tomorrow? what works best oil or milk?


Well-Known Member
yeah pretty much I tried it but i was just like a long lasting high not that powerful but it helped me get through my friday


Well-Known Member
maybe 1/4 1/8 of whats in a tea bag but I poored boiling water in with milk and some sweetener the grass was in a mint tea bag w/ the mint maybe ,ore next time?


Active Member
yeah you need to make sure you have milk (or butter/oil) in there or it won't really do anything. For a better high put the weed, or tea bag with weed, in with the boiling water instead of just pooring the water over the tea bag. you'll have to judge how much weed to use about about what you would put in a joint or a little less is generally good.


Well-Known Member
yeah almost out of weed a think im gonna try something with it later because I'm trying not to smoke a ton and I love how long it last when you eat it