Simple single plant high yielding DWC from beginning to end.

My apologies growers. Had a break in which left our grow rooms heavily damaged. Will be back as soon as we have everything back up and running.
My apologies growers. Had a break in which left our grow rooms heavily damaged. Will be back as soon as we have everything back up and running.

I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you didn't lose too much and you can be up and running again soon.

Did you catch the bastards?
Mf'ing thieves are the worst part of growing for me now. Used to be scared of dci and local cops now it's shitheads like these guys.

I had a good conversation with the local police. They were very clear, indeed; because I'm following the law and have given up my right to be armed in my home due to a medical grow, the detective looked me in the eye and told me they'd take anyone breaking into my home and stealing a controlled substance 'very, very seriously', the hint in context being that they understand that if we aren't gonna be armed, they need to be allllllll over it. The gleam in his eye told me that no one who doesn't like eating lead should come fucking with people's grows in Colorado. Not worth your life.

If someone is in need of weed, for medical reasons, JUST ASK! Goddammit, I'm fucking drowning in stuff to help those in need! DON'T come at me with force.

I've fucking lost count of how much I've given away to those of bona fide medical necessity, and my bar isn't very high. I LIKE helping people, I WANT to help those who are suffering. And, I can easily accommodate it, so I'd feel like a real live drooling asshole if I wasn't willing to help out.

You a veteran with PTSD, got a bum foot or anxiety issues? Can't sleep? Dealing with people bugs/scares the shit out of you? Let me help. Candy, edibles, smoke, dabs, trim, whatever I can do to ease your suffering, I'm happy to do it.

It's easy to tell the difference between freeloaders and those who really need it; the ones who need it are embarrassed to admit it. Isn't that sad? That's what our society has created. Despicable they should be made to feel that way, so I'm going to set a new and better example.

They don't WANT to be seen to be sponging off of someone. These... these are my people. These are the ones I'll stand with and help any way I can. My turn is coming... we're all human. And mortal. If I spread enough love and relief, maybe I'll get some back in my time of need. And even if I don't, the satisfaction of having helped others will always be foremost in my thoughts.

Peace, my friends.