Simple question?

DRHey every one i would like to read some opinions on weed that has been grown to 90-100% amber trichomes and compare it to 10%amber trichs to none.has anyone let there weed go this far?


Well-Known Member
When trichomes are half cloudy half clear it is considered more of a sativa mind high. When trichomes turn amber it is considered an indica body high. Letting them turn 90-100% amber is ok but at the same if you wait too long the thc content weakens as amber trichomes represent dying.


Well-Known Member
Do some more reading on the subject and find what mix is best for the type of stone that you wish to experience - get a magnifying glass if you haven't already got one - personally i have never checked... If i have an 8-9 week strain - i will usually give it the 9 weeks just to make sure it is nice and ripe and ready to be cut - just my experience. Good luck