simple question simple answers


Active Member
haha yea im not to smart with lights..but i dont think u understand..i have no money for those kinds of lights right now..i can only get CFL lights..


Active Member
okay so i just took my halogen light out..thank god..but the light i am using a white..i think they are cfl..
that it..


Active Member
yea ihave like 3 of the small ones that are bright white..and i have a 200 what not sure what kind the 200 watt is


Well-Known Member
and get like 4-6 of em..,i found mine at menards for 8 dollaz a piece...BUT now i got my MH and HPS...IM TELLIN U MAN UR GONNA HAVE 2 GET A HPS TO FLOWER(2nd stage)...cfls and hps...ID SAVE MONEY N GET AN HPS AND A MH....GOOD LUCK...


Well-Known Member
well all u want use is BRIGHT WHITE orange...not the normal ones u usually see/put in a lamps...not that hard man...basically 2 diff. colors of light..2 diff. stages of growin


Active Member
yeaa alright man thnx ill probly have more questions in the clones fucked up it wilted and might die..i didnt use a rootin get..basically just soil and fert thats it


Active Member
well i think i asked u to be my friend..ill keep u up to date and u tell me the shittt..alright gonna need help


Well-Known Member
for sure. I use HPS through my entire grow, and plan to always use HPS unless it's actually going to make a significant difference (and i'm doing SoG so my clones will never be vegging, just root then flower). But i see people always say MH for veg, HPS for flower, but then i hear you get about the same results running HPS the entire way. So keep in mind you can do the entire grow in HPS if you wanted too, and still get about the same great results. With hps being better than CFL's. Supplement with CFL's. You also don't have to worry about frequencies with HPS like you do with CFL's. I believe it's the frequency that determines the wavelength (that 4000K number or "whatever"K number you see with cfl's).


Active Member
I just started my first grow about 5 weeks ago and im about to start to go 12/12 my plant is at 10 inches now and very nice. I was having trouble with temps as well but i found these fans called honeywells, they are like 12 bucks for a cheapy but they have plenty of airflow. if anything you need to increase your airflow in your grow room to circulate the natural nutrients in the air to help the process of photosynthesis in your baby. By doing this you should have increased your airflow greatly which will lower the temp. ( just in case, make sure your fans are on some kind of rotation constant airflow can effect the growing process) I hope this helps :)