Simple organic soil?

Experiment away my friend, but please, please man, get yourself some worms pronto, they will be the best investment of your growing career. Hands down. Turn all sorts of kitchen and yard waste into thriving full spectrum living soil without even leaving the property. Knowing every single input that went in. Plus they multiply endlessly and sustain themselves when kept cool and moist. A self-leveraging investment.


And maybe read up on Grease's theories whether friend or foe with the man. You can blend the two composts np, refine em further, and then up the aeration to a clean and cool 50-50, and only topdress with that, forever more, (forget about feeding and teas) for a true water only bliss..

If you begin with the end in mind, then putting first things first and taking steps won't feel so 'bad', it will feel like progress. Which is what its all about!