Simple drying method wanted:


Active Member
i will be choppin shortly and was just looking for some suggestions on drying. its my first harvest and i dont want to screw it up too bad. i searched a bit thru the forums but i just keep getting a headache. thanks for the input.....peace out!

Ban Drown

Id recomend getting some clothes pegs and some string and drying them whilst hangin them up (preferably in the closet , somewhere dry and dark)

Hope this helps.


Active Member
you too napa....

how about using a box? what about temps? it stays around 75 in my house with mid range humidity.......


Well-Known Member
heat and light bad. Also, about the box idea. I contemplated that also, but you would need holes for air flow, which would also introduce the possibility of light unless you have it in a dark area. You need some air flow though.


Well-Known Member
A little light like some air holes in a regular box of cardboard won't hurt your bud enough to know any difference - i promise. You can take some thin thread and just stick it through the box sides and make drying hangers in 2 minutes. Just hang the buds right on the threads and stack the bokses. Air holes in front and back side of boxes and wait. Keep an eye on the buds. The more airflow the quicker they'll dry. I guess you know that it's best to dry as slowly as possible to cure the bud.


Active Member
I live in a dry climate so what i do is arrange the fresh cut buds on a screen for a couple of days make sure to turn them a couple times so they dont flatten too bad on 1 side after 2-3 days i put them in a brown paper bag (lunch bags) for another couple days untill the stems snap when bent and then into mason jars to cure make sure to open the lids (burp) a couple times a day to make sure no moisture builds up.