Don't buy on ebay to many fake floating around from China. Use Apmex or go to a broker.
Thanks. I am Canadian. The bars from Scotia Bank you mean right? I didn't know they sold them there... cool to know.
When I get to the point I have more assets to manage, I'll look up Mr.Sprott... much appreciated... If I were to buy on ebay.. I did look at some of the guys out there selling who are bigger sellers of silver and gold most seem pretty reasonable. I have a question about selling. I am just starting to invest and will likely be putting a grand or 2 away a month... nothing major. But if I want to cash some (or all) of it in.. where do you take it? back to the bank? or to a broker? Just don't want to take it to a "buy your gold" place if a broker is better.
So is it better to buy coins or bars instead of melt silver? Thanks for the help - just not sure of how it all works or where to go to buy/sell to not get ripped on either end..
all of the large deposits of silver are gone, the majority of new silver today is a byproduct of base metal mining. USGS report says that silver will be extinct by 2028 as far as new deposits being found in the earths crust, unlike gold, silver is only close to the surface.I think anything involving silver, gold, anything like that is just plain cool. I have been watching the "gold rush" show on history channel a lot and it made me think... ok you can find gold in a vast amount of places, but where the hell do you dig for silver? ive never heard of anyone going crazy cause they find a silver deposit but im sure that it happens, its just not heard of when it does
all 1920-1967 dimes quarters halfs and dollars are 80% silver, Very difficult to find in regular change, might find one quarter in a lifetime. Don't sell them, hold them until prices are back to where they should be (currently 4 times what they are today)are all pre 66 dimes, and quarters silver?
I'll start picking through my change too I guess.
Another quick question.. when I am sorting through my stuff and buying little bars here and there.. is the best place to take them to a broker, coin dealer or sell them on ebay ... I see most stuff selling for above index price for weight... Just curious.. like growing I guess... you don't want to grow 20lbs of weed if you have no connections to get rid of it.
Thanks for the help guys, appreciate it all.
Banks will buy silver/gold, coin dealers, etc. They will give you a receipt that you may or may not be required to hold on to for tax purposes. If you're selling/buying bars, you can be taxed on them (in Canada).
Sell on E-Bay. Buy sovereign coins,( legal tender coinage) they cannot be taxed. Sell to coin dealers and bullion dealers, they are everywhere, my small town has 1 bullion dealer and 1 coin dealer. Sell for Spot price ONLY!! Do not take less than spot ever!!
to see the spot price go to
Numismatic,,,Coins are fine and will be better than Bullion,,,If you know what your doing!,,,How could you say such a Thing?,,,If Your sitting on 100 ounces of Bullion,,,whenever the price drop's so does your heart and savings,,,collector coins are well over spot but mostly holds it's value.
Just paid 300 bucks for 25th anniversary American eagle set,,,100,000,,,made look at what there selling for now slabbed,,,In the future prices will go even higher for the "Raw Set's"...collectors collect and trade,,,there is money to be made if you know what your looking for.
Investors buy bullion and The people with ton's of it could easily sell and the silver market collapses,,,Happened before,,,Not in the Numismatic's eye's...Rare is just that rare,,,....and wanted buy the richest of rich.....
See - that's where I'm at - about to start making decisions on how to invest. Not really seeing much info other than "buy my system and I'll tell you how to have a big boat like me!" courses.
I only have questions about the coins as I used to collect coins. I did get out of it, and had some nice pieces - but when I went to sell them the only people who were looking to buy were offering half of book value on them. I don't know if this is basically the same thing, or if you are talking about silver coins only - and it differs?
Sorry for the noob quesitons, but I am totally new to investing - Thanks to you all for taking the time to offer advice - I appreciate it.