Silver! Who Is On This Train?

Sure you can, just get you a electric foundry and some casting equipment. Don't expect to get paid top dollar for them though, a bullion dealer will charge you up to a 20% fee to assay it all since it does not have trusted mint marks.

ok so what if i melted the top half of the cettle and kept the stamps at the bottom so it at least makes it easyer to store?
im just wondering if my source will go dry
Silver sale is on as JPM manipulates the paper market to force the price down so they can cover all the naked shorts they need to liquidate tomorrow. From what I can gather, JPMorgan was the custodian for all the MFGlobal futures contracts. Just yesterday they moved over 1.4 million ounces of silver into the eligible sector of the COMEX, they are selling these futures as fast as they can. The futures do not belong to them, they belong to the customers of MFglobal, Selling begets selling as the institutional investors panic and sell too, then buy it all back tomorrow afternoon and over the weekend when China and the UK are not in effect.

Buy low, sell high. Don't wait for the price peak before you panic and buy more, you will kick yourself for not buying when it was on sale.

Option Fridays are statistically close to the lowest prices of the month, i will stop and get some bullion today, and then again tomorrow. I will cost average the purchases since that has worked pretty well for me over the last 4 years.
Glad I'm a collector,,,I did end up winning the mint Lottery,,,25th anniversary silver eagle set to add to my collection!!!!,,,I'm not flipping for profit just hold for sure!
If some one were to invest in silver..what would they look to buy?
I was going to buy silver at the post office the other day on a whim... but it's like $60 Canadian currancy, for like 27 ounces of 95% silver.. there's copper in it too.
Anyone want to advise a new investor on what is the best way to buy silver or gold? ebay auctions for melt weight? if it's already been posted - I must have missed it.
If some one were to invest in silver..what would they look to buy?
I was going to buy silver at the post office the other day on a whim... but it's like $60 Canadian currancy, for like 27 ounces of 95% silver.. there's copper in it too.
Anyone want to advise a new investor on what is the best way to buy silver or gold? ebay auctions for melt weight? if it's already been posted - I must have missed it.
I think their is a mistake or misunderstanding in your pricing- If not I suggest you speed down to the post office as fast as you can and buy all of it.
grams... lol. It was just shy of an ounce.

But as a beginning investor - small scale to start out, what would be my best bet? buying bars? Coins? or melt silver?