Silver! Who Is On This Train?

My dad has been collecting junk silver since the 60's and hes got countless pounds of silver and has never sold. Even when it almost got to 50 an Oz he didnt sell a dime of it. He understands the real value of silver.
Why not just invest in the GREEN?!?! I have honestly invested over 50k in grow rooms and every one of them has had a turn around of 4 months and a doubling rate of half a year... you cannot beat that in any market.. even silver.
Good luck trading your shiny rock, when I am the only person who still has Chronic... wonder which one will be more valuable after the apocalypse.
People have used silver as currency for thousands of years. IMO

also I get what you're saying But I highly doubt the price of reeef will bounce any time soon. And also depreciates with age.
you guys all know that the price of silver can be manipulated as much as fiat right?

I understand the THEORY behind stacking physical the event that the dollar loses significant purchasing power due to jnflation, yada yadda...

but who the fuck is going to accept silver in the event of that scenario? Who are you going to sell your silver to for USD's ?

Silver can't be manipulated just as much a FIAT currency, regardless of your theories or logic that would lead you to such a thought. Fraud can happen regarding metals and it's much easier to discover and prevent, as compared to fraud with FIAT currency.

Silver isn't just an investment for a scenario regarding currency collapse. It's a pretty basic concept beyond a devaluation or collapse scenario. Buy it at a certain price, and sell it at a higher price... investing 101.

Who will accept silver in such a scenario? Anyone who understands that a currency isn't worth the paper it's printed on, would likely accept silver. What would lead to to believe people wouldn't accept silver? It's always had intrinsic value, and always will... that will never change.

Yea I fooled around with buying silver at one point too....when "hundreds of dollars was a lot of money to me" ...then I realized it was a fucking frivolous "investment" ...and that word is put in quotations because with most TRUE investments, you're earning a return, not just hedging against currency devaluation

This statement really makes no sense what-so-ever. Maybe you tried to day-trade, or short-term trade silver? That's not what an intelligent silver investor would do.

You buy silver and hold it. Silver will at very least triple in value in the next couple decades. If you have retirement savings right now, just put it in silver, sit on it for 20+ years, and it will come back at very least 2x it's value when you go to retire. What is frivolous about an investment that safely and securely double's itself in value? That is a return if you're not aware...

Secondly a investment that earns a return, is not a return if the inflation rate has a current ability or potential ability in nullifying that return's value, by devaluation of a currency. Maybe you don't understand that as well? It seems from what you posted above that you're rather confused regarding investments, assets, and just monetary theory in general. I fail to see what points you are making above... they are not correct.
Good luck trading your shiny rock, when I am the only person who still has Chronic... wonder which one will be more valuable after the apocalypse.

Silver doesn't grow on trees.

Weed does.

That's why the world is experiencing financial difficulties right now. It's largely in part, due to the fact that money is being grown on trees AKA printed. It doesn't work.

Weed would be worth a small fraction of it's value if there was no law pertaining to it's growth.
Ya but my silver bar I bought in 1970 has trippled in value....A Pound of weed bouhgt in 1970s left in a freezer is worth shit now :)

Cured Weed holds no value over time and it definately doesnt appreciate.
There will be very few people who are able to grow chronic medical herbs and I will be one of them. I am geared more at achieving a sustainable grow with solar wind and LED tech. I have a rainwater collection system and a concrete room that my strains will survive in. Silver.. You may as well collect bullets.. At least they are useful in the desert wasteland.
There will be very few people who are able to grow chronic medical herbs and I will be one of them. I am geared more at achieving a sustainable grow with solar wind and LED tech. I have a rainwater collection system and a concrete room that my strains will survive in. Silver.. You may as well collect bullets.. At least they are useful in the desert wasteland.

If this apocalypse scenario you talk of did happen, I seriously doubt you would be able to sustain an indoor grow of more than 1 or 2 plants. Unless your investing 6 figures into solar, the electricity you get would not be enough to keep lights like that running 24/7. So basically all that money you invested into grow rooms would become worthless overnight....
If this apocalypse scenario you talk of did happen, I seriously doubt you would be able to sustain an indoor grow of more than 1 or 2 plants. Unless your investing 6 figures into solar, the electricity you get would not be enough to keep lights like that running 24/7. So basically all that money you invested into grow rooms would become worthless overnight....

and where would he get his bud booster nutes, and chemical bug sprays! lol...jk i dunno how he grows but thats how it is for most people
There will be very few people who are able to grow chronic medical herbs and I will be one of them. I am geared more at achieving a sustainable grow with solar wind and LED tech. I have a rainwater collection system and a concrete room that my strains will survive in. Silver.. You may as well collect bullets.. At least they are useful in the desert wasteland.

Very many people are capable of growing a plant, when all you have to do is put a seed in the ground and water it accordingly. It's not difficult.

Weed is weed, and in such a situation as your depicting, no one will differentiate weed drastically in value, whether it's grown on a commercial farm or grown in optimal hydroponic conditions.

Bullets are just as much of an investment as silver, it's just silver will likely see a better return within the same time frame. I own about 20,000 rounds of various ammo for this reason... it's a good investment. I don't know why you're unable to comprehend silver as an investment that produces very good, and very real returns, because that is what it's proven to do so.

Something that grows on a tree, is not even in the same realm of "value" as a metal, because metal doesn't grow on a tree. This is why weed will plummet in value when it's legalized... because it grows on a tree.
On another note silver spiked roughly $1.50 today. Some of that is likely a correction from yesterday's fall, but I'm willing to bet a lot more of that spike is because the FED announced that it's buying another $40 billion worth of bonds today, and will continue to do so until the economy corrects itself.

Funny thing is, the economy won't truly correct itself unless a massive realization of this government's robbery, is enacted upon it's people. That robbery will be realized either heavily over a long period of time, or severely over a very short time frame. I'm willing to bet the later is the likely outcome.
silver is all should've sold it when it hit $48/oz a while back, like I did

instead you'll hold it until it's too high and nobody wants to buy it. Then what've you got? worthless metal on your hands
Why not just invest in the GREEN?!?! I have honestly invested over 50k in grow rooms and every one of them has had a turn around of 4 months and a doubling rate of half a year... you cannot beat that in any market.. even silver.

Silver isn't illegal in any state of the nation.
Good luck trading your shiny rock, when I am the only person who still has Chronic... wonder which one will be more valuable after the apocalypse.

Bury your reefer in the dirt for 2 years, ill do the same with my silver, see who has more after time is up. A sudden and terrible action that destroys most life on earth is unlikely. There will not be an apocalypse, a slow reversal to the mean is more like it.
On another note silver spiked roughly $1.50 today. Some of that is likely a correction from yesterday's fall, but I'm willing to bet a lot more of that spike is because the FED announced that it's buying another $40 billion worth of bonds today, and will continue to do so until the economy corrects itself.

Funny thing is, the economy won't truly correct itself unless a massive realization of this government's robbery, is enacted upon it's people. That robbery will be realized either heavily over a long period of time, or severely over a very short time frame. I'm willing to bet the later is the likely outcome.
Silver is up because the fed announced what is basically unlimited QE( Free currency).

Wait til the Government requires all 401K 's to be converted to US Bonds. They are gonna take your retirement money somehow, there is $16 trillion of it sitting untouched.