Silver! Who Is On This Train?

Silver for the win!!!
Silver is the greatest, it is win win- whatever happens it is a gaurentee you win- If it goes up to 100$ or 1000$ you WIN and if it goes down to 1$ you WIN - Silver is the Charlie Sheen or investments
I'm curious about .999 and .9999? Damn can I bend it with my finger's lol,,,Does it keep's it's look without much discoloration if stored properly? I'm talking about the canadian maple leaf,,,compared to American eagle.
silver is silver dude whether its from canada or us (may have collector value but everyone is wanting it for the market value), 999 or 9999 just means there are only traces elements of other things, if any. And just polish it if it becomes tarnished as silver is the most polishable metal in the world.

And don't try bending it with your teeth, I wouldn't even do that with gold.

Silver IS THE WIN, but only for those of us who started buying physical years ago :)
Pure silver is soft, but not soft enough to bend a Canadian Maple with your bare hands though. The Gold Maple is even softer as it only contains gold, unlike the Gold Eagle which has 17 grains of silver in it to make it more durable. I haven't been able to bend My Gold Maples either.
I get a newsletter every month that some of you might be interested in reading. You can get on their list for free if you contact them. Ted Butler makes a great argument for holding physical silver.
I plan on holding my silver a long time and I really don't see silver dropping below $25 more like hover in the range it's at?,,,kinnda like year's ago gas wen't up to like $4-$5 a gallon I said it was just preparing us for a $3 a gallon average.
I going to invest in more silver at these price's because I'm long term and more of a collector,,,in 20 30 year's who know's what it will be worth,,,I'm new to this In 08' I bought and as they went up dumped and made a quick profit,,,And regret that move on my part,,,Never again' Viva La Silver coin's:lol:
Yeah I'm saving for long term too. Either I'll use it in retirement or if I get hit by a bus my kid will get it all. I'm reading that in late 2012 it should go up to about $50USD. It's a great time to buy.
i kept getting this "monthly statement" from bank of america. last year i had a disability claim open and they use BofA debit cards as payment nowadays. i had an automatic transfer setup so when disability deposited money into the BofA account it got auto-transferred to my regular bank. the account ran dry back in march. but for the past few months i keep getting these statements. i lost the BofA card so i couldn't access the statement to see what was up.

last week i found the debit card and finally checked the BofA account. turns out there was $800 in it. i have since transferred it over to my regular bank.

GO silver!!!!
i kept getting this "monthly statement" from bank of america. last year i had a disability claim open and they use BofA debit cards as payment nowadays. i had an automatic transfer setup so when disability deposited money into the BofA account it got auto-transferred to my regular bank. the account ran dry back in march. but for the past few months i keep getting these statements. i lost the BofA card so i couldn't access the statement to see what was up.

last week i found the debit card and finally checked the BofA account. turns out there was $800 in it. i have since transferred it over to my regular bank.

GO silver!!!!
I put everything in the Free Lakota Bank, I've been really happy with them, they give me a good interest rate and I have a free life time account.
Credit Union's are the shit,,,I did some research and think I'm going to supplement my silver with some Platinum:hump:,,,Good time to buy it IMO,,,....very rare and Industrial, and medical uses. If you think the world and economy will Not end:?:
Most major corporations and even small business (in my area at least) are all starting to hire again, I fail to see your logic behind this new depression. Home Depot is hiring like 23,000 seasonal workers, Kmart and Walmart both just announced plans to hire thousands, Kraft is expanding, AMD and Intel are both expanding operations within the US.

The only markets still hurting are those being kept alive by union workers because unions ask for ridiculous wages and cant afford to operate any more. The only thing I see happening in the near future is the death of unions.
Well the problem is most companies that have workers that are in unions are generally in under paid enviroments. It's good to know that people will stand to get a pay rise equal to other avg joes doing jobs similar to you. You have to remember that unions generally 9well here in Australia) Only claim a pay rise equal to that of inflation so that in the end all of their workers are effectively just as wealthy each year but the numbers just look bigger.
Silver is selling for a hundred dollars an ounce- one ounce Australian Dragons
Soon spot will be 100$ an ounce- I just hope when that time comes mcdonalds still has a 99 cent menu
The 100,000 limit,,, 25th anniversay set sold out in like 4-1/2 hrs,,,I'm on a waiting list in other word's shit outta luck,,,Crappy us mint server' service busy...5 limit's,,,Dealer's advantage,,,I smell Bullshit,,,Tried all day to get connected one way or the other,,,You just can't compete with High tech server's and phone farm's,,,The common collecter is screwed,,,Big business took over here...Fuck silver I'm pissed!
If money "Fail's",,,we all die...Everywhere,,,Money buy's weed,,,weed make's money,,...weed might make weed than the more there is the less important it become's,,,money is what everyone need's,,,I need money,,,trade you some weed J/K...Money buy's happieness,,,nothing else!,,,
Well I'm not worried about the economy failing,,,Have plenty of lead to protect me and my silver,,,Plus lead will not kill vampire's and Zombie's.
Yea but blowing the head off with lead will still help. If they can't see you, that can't find you. Just treat the headless vampires and zombies like the people of Wall-Mart and you will survive. Stay out of their way and you will be good.