Silver thiosulfate single branch


Well-Known Member
I'm getting mixed reports about reversing single branches on a female if I only spray sts on one branch will it effect the bud production on branches not sprayed I have a good strawberry banana (bubblegum "strawberry pheno"x banana kush by reserva pravada and a gorilla bubble BX1F1 (gorilla glue x BOG's sour bubble "bubblegum")
I’m not sure about STS either but would you not have the pollen getting on the whole plant? Keep us posted if you do it. I’m thinking of trying CS to get some seed stock. I just found a male in my outdoor so I’m moving him and collecting the pollen.
As far as I understand sts is used like one time on the entire plant. One sts shower and flip to 12/12.

Cs is used on single branches on a dayly basis 10-14 days before flip. And stoped..... thrre are two ways I heard of.

I failed using cs because I did spray the entire plant. Looked pretty fucked up.

Will try sts next.

Yah I read that too I've done a lot of reading it sayssays" "Application:
The STS working solution is sprayed on select female plants until runoff." It doesn't say anything about just spraying g select branches
I guess I'm experimenting then sts on single branches
I love experimenting!

Btw. I also fucked up reversing using ga3. I overdid again. Note to myself...dont overdo next

If you want to experiment with both products. Means using two pollenspenders.
You could just use the sts on one plant and the cs on the other.

I will use the sts shower this time.

You.should maybe also think about how many aplications you do with the sts on the single branch before flip.
I could think of extending it a bit because I am suspicious about that a single aplication is maybe not enough to whipe metabolism?(on just one single branch)
But shit what do I know my Brain is second hand.

I will be doing a minimum of 2 sprays 7-10 days apart and btw these seeds are for personal not for sale so anyone giving info do it have to worried about contamination of the gene pool or other worries
You're only blocking ethylene production on the branch sprayed just do a google plenty people out there have done it
That's what I'm saying is there's people that have done it and then there's people saying that it will turn the whole plant with sts
I've used STS on a single branch and it worked. Actually it was more than one branch. I did a couple. Response can vary based on genetics, watch for herms. Mine didn't but that doesn't mean everyones won't.