Silicon additives that don't raise Ph?

My whole point is I can't see why I'd switch to potassium silicate from potassium hydroxide when I already have a very good pH up,
my point exactly! i can't see why i'd switch either. i'm not asking anyone to switch, i'm just explaining what i do. (sorry op, didn't mean to hijack your thread. i'm done here.)
For the record about ph if were using ph proper nutrients & using them in appropriate ratios our rez's shouldnt need much in the order of ph up or down & our ph should be stable .

Issues like high rez temps , dirty rez & improperly mixed nute ratios are the leading causes of ph issues .

I prefer to use NPK to correct ph issues where i add a bit of one nute or the other to raise or lower my ph vs non benificial chemicals like ph up or down .
pH up is potassium!

I just laid the math in front of you for you to see.

potassium hydroxide has an NPK rating of 0-0-83.6

Potassium is an essential NPK element!! The rest becomes water when neutralizing the acid leaving you with pure potassium ions.

pH down is either phoshoric acid or nitric acid, both providing N or P, essential NPK elements. Sulfuric acid is feeding just S. It's exactly what you're saying you do.

when you mix potassium hydroxide and nitric acid, you get potassium nitrate, which is what's used in the hydroponic solutions anyway. It's all the same shit, and the more you know about chemistry, the more you realize it. There are plenty of members here who can scrutinize my math, and know exactly what I'm talking about. We make our own nutrients from individual dry salts.

and no, I'm not going to show you pictures of my plants to prove that mixing potassium hydroxide and nitric acid gives you potassium nitrate...
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and no, I'm not going to show you pictures of my plants to prove that mixing potassium hydroxide and nitric acid gives you potassium nitrate...

Wow ! Your fairly testy about your math .

You should reread my post where i said " i prefer to use one nute or the other " , obviously based on my plants current feeding needs as opposed to forcing ph in a direction using something my plants are not currently in need of , somewhere along the lines you've got the impression i or others are attacking your math .

Why would you think i want pics of your plants , or anybody elses plants for that matter ? I never said you were wrong to begin with & dont have a clue what pictures would prove .

Take a few tokes & chill bro .
I point out a more simple method and get "oh, well i do KISS" implying I'm the one making things over complicated just because he didn't understand me. I point out that pH up is potassium, and you reply with "pH up doesn't provide any essential nutrients". The harder I try to explain things, the more I look like an arrogant prick to those that don't get it.

You can't see what's frustrating to me?

Wow ! Your fairly testy about your math .

You should reread my post where i said " i prefer to use one nute or the other " , obviously based on my plants current feeding needs as opposed to forcing ph in a direction using something my plants are not currently in need of , somewhere along the lines you've got the impression i or others are attacking your math .

Why would you think i want pics of your plants , or anybody elses plants for that matter ? I never said you were wrong to begin with & dont have a clue what pictures would prove .

Take a few tokes & chill bro .
You are just a bully. You aren't good at math, so you pick on those who are. I wasn't trying to brag about my math skills. Yes, I am very good at math. I took a shit ton of math courses in college. In any other setting, you would be the one who looks arrogant. I have never made claims to being an amazing grower... just by knowing what pH up is... and that plants don't use silicon for anything. You might not believe this, but there are other skills in life besides growing. Math is actually a more respectable skill than gardening.

Now I design nutrients as a hobby, pay pennies for nutrient changes, and it's simple as hell. I dno't have to worry about any of the crap you do. You have a veil over your face that's blocking reality, and when someone tries to remove it, you get defensive and attack.

Bro, I'm here to help. I'm not a bullshitter.

You now know the NPK of potassium hydroxide and potassium silicate. Your welcome.

lol, yeah, your great growers are all mathematicians......
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You are just a bully. You aren't good at math, so you pick on those who are. I wasn't trying to brag about my math skills. Yes, I am very good at math. I took a shit ton of math courses in college. In any other setting, you would be the one who looks arrogant. I have never made claims to being an amazing grower... just by knowing what pH up is... and that plants don't use silicon for anything. You might not believe this, but there are other skills in life besides growing. Math is actually a more respectable skill than gardening.
Now I design nutrients as a hobby, pay pennies for nutrient changes, and it's simple as hell. I dno't have to worry about any of the crap you do. You have a veil over your face that's blocking reality, and when someone tries to remove it, you get defensive and attack. Bro, I'm here to help. I'm not a bullshitter.
i don't know about anyone else, but i don't need/want your help. i'm a bully??? no, i think you just want someone to pat you on the back. hey, you're doing a good job on your own, you don't need anyone else to do it...
"we" meaning you?

There are a lot of people who get what I'm saying and appreciate that I'm willing to share my knowledge and experience for free. Math and chemistry seems to be a very rare skill here.

Not everyone who posts here was a flunky. The people with the least appreciation for my help are those regulars (like you) who get defensive the minute something goes above their heads.

it's not that we don't get it, we just don't care...
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"we" meaning you?
There are a lot of people who get what I'm saying and appreciate that I'm willing to share my knowledge and experience for free. Math and chemistry seems to be a very rare skill here.

Not everyone who posts here was a flunky. The people with the least appreciation for my help are those regulars who get defensive the minute something goes above their heads.
dude, what's wrong with you??? you must be a teenager, i'm guessing. (no offense to all the normal teenagers out there.) maybe you should also study english grammar. "we," was in response to your "those that don't get it." that would be plural, so we is a proper response. and, what would you know about my abilities to understand math? i can see i'm debating an idiot, which is a no win. later boyeee....
There are a lot of people who get what I'm saying and appreciate that I'm willing to share my knowledge and experience for free.
sorry, i couldn't resist. so you usually charge for your "knowledge and experience?" well shit, i always pay my own way. what do you suppose i owe you? (o.k. i'm done, lol...)
Do you want me to post pictures of my salary or something? I'm not sure what you're looking for now. You're going way off topic with your bullying. This thread is about a way to supplement silicon without boosting pH.

My suggestion was to forget about silicon. KISS.. AND I GOT ALL HELL FOR IT...

You said potassium silicate showed an improvement in a few areas, and I asked how do you know it wasn't the potassium and you said you don't know and you don't care... So why did you even continue arguing if you admit you have no clue what you're talking about?

sorry, i couldn't resist. so you usually charge for your "knowledge and experience?" well shit, i always pay my own way. what do you suppose i owe you? (o.k. i'm done, lol...)
I point out a more simple method and get "oh, well i do KISS" implying I'm the one making things over complicated just because he didn't understand me. I point out that pH up is potassium, and you reply with "pH up doesn't provide any essential nutrients". The harder I try to explain things, the more I look like an arrogant prick to those that don't get it.

You can't see what's frustrating to me?

No i cant see , were you expecting something you didnt get , i dont see where your frustrated being that were on the same page here , maybe i should use the smiley faces when i post so people know im not fukin with them ?
Dude, I'm not "hurt" in the sense that you hurt my feelings. Acts of stupidity hurt. I want to bang my head against the wall to mask the pain. That's the hurt I feel. But pointing that out explicitly only adds fuel to the fire, which I wasn't intending to do... Adding silicon when you don't have to is not kiss. Ph Up DOES include essential NPK nutrients, infact, that's what it is. WTF! That's why I did all that fancy pants math!! It was to show you that! Do you think it was because I wanted to prove that I have a large dick or something? Yeah, my fucking chemistry nerd dick.. shit. That's what's frustrating me!!

No i cant see , were you expecting something you didnt get , i dont see where your frustrated being that were on the same page here , maybe i should use the smiley faces when i post so people know im not fukin with them ?
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Dude your out of it in a bad way , i think your flipping out over utter nonsense , were you expecting us to fall over cause you posted some equasitions ?

I never once reccomended using silica & i'd love to see a quote of where i did , i said the shits useless but in a nice way .

If you think me telling the forum that if your nutes are mixed in proper amounts your ph will fall in line is false info then i dont know what to say .

Im growing tired of this nonsense & im done with it , feel free to post anything you wish this is my last response , and you cant have pics of my plants either , im out .

Have a good night , day ect .
You said that pH up and pH down do not contain essential NPK elements, when in fact they do.

Why is it that the person who knows is being hounded by the people who don't know? I'm not here to insult you, I"m here to educate other users looking for the right answers. What you gave was the wrong answers.

pH up and pH down are food, and I can help you understand why so you stop incorrectly educating people, but you just aren't interested. What that means is you either don't believe me, or you do believe me, but you're trying to cover up that you actually didn't know that.
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ok ok original OP here... my title says 'silicon' but what I meant was 'silica'. Sorry

Does that change opinions or was everyone assuming thats what I meant?

Here's a cut n paste from another forum....



Silica is not silicon, it is an element that cannot be put into the nutrient formula, due to instability, but it should be part of any plants nutrition.

Consider silica like a missing link between plant vitality, strength, resistance to infection, and increased harvests.

The silica helps strengthen cells, and plants are much healthier from the continual addition of silica.

Ensure you have a highly soluble form and you will begin to see effect from around 2 weeks onwards. Budlink, Silica magic or Dutch Master silica are very good forms of silica.


Anyway I don't understand the technical side of the chemistry, just want to hear/see some real world results.

And fuck yeah, I want to see pics of everyones plants and if yours look shit hot I'll be a lot more inclined to listen to your comments.

Put up or shut up

You guys are barking up the wrong tree, churchhaze is one of the few people here who doesn't talk out of his ass especially when it comes to nutrients and that is because of his kiss approach.

Why is it that the person who knows is being hounded by the people who don't know? I'm not here to insult you, I"m here to educate other users looking for the right answers.
I found it works best if you insult them first, then educate the ones left standing :D