Signs of nitrogen toxicity 4 weeks into flowering


I'm 4 weeks into flowering on my La con hydro (
All plants are showing clawed leafs and signs of nitrogen toxicity. I have a smaller fan blowing on the plants, and the plants closer to the fan are showing more symptoms than the ones further away. Note that they all show signs; even the two soil-grown plants I have in the back. Just more clawing closer to the fan.

These are the plants that are closer to the fan(above)

I'm using advanced nutrients three-part base. The addatives i'm using are Carboload, Voodoo-Juice (stopped using after first 2 weeks of bloom), BigBud, Hammerhead, B-52 (started using this week and noticed the symptoms a day or two after).
Started off with a quarter strength and went up to half strength after about a week, because some plants showed signs of nitrogen defficiency. The last two weeks have been three quarters strength with a minor dillution on the first week (1000-1200 ppm).
I watered it once a day up until about a week ago, when I started watering twice a day.

The leaves have been pretty dark for a while, but I didn't pay attention to it first. Thought it was something with the strain and/or since it's a pure indica (totally noobie, i know :wall:).

So what i'm looking for is some advice as to what to do next. Should i flush the shit out of them and waste growth time of the precious few weeks this strain flowers (and my time, energy and nutes=money) or should i just slaughter them, cut new clones and start over? I dont wanna waste my time if im only gonna end up with 2oz of schwag..

I have flushed the plants with clean water for two days, twice a day (feels a bit half-assed). After that I put the nutrient sollution back in the res, and dilluted it with some water. The ppm in the res is now around 950. Ph is 5,6-5,8 and its pretty stable.

All help is greatly appriciated and if you solve this problem for me i WILL name my child after you ;-)
If i have left out any important info, let me know.


(sorry about the bad pics. just let me know if you want better ones and ill use a better light than hps)


Well-Known Member
if your using the 3 part cut back on your N. im not certain but i think its the same as general hydros flora 3 part? if so general hydro tell you to run 1 part grow, 2 parts micro, 4 parts bloom. i had the same problem at the start of my bloom and i cut it back to 1 part grow, 1 part micro and 3 parts bloom. that sorted out my issues and im about to chop down a lb of prime bud so dont stress too much.

keep in mind im using gh nutes not advanced but just figure out why you have too much N and cut back on it
OK HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THI IS (sorry caps)DSC00561.jpg

to much nut to little or nitrogen toxicity.

here is my youtube videos and a break down of the grow

2-18-14 i uped the nuts ppm to 1100 before that i had them at 750 i upped the nuts to see if that was the problem but nothing changed exsept the plants keep growing there very healthy looking getting 1" a day growth and very clean looking roots buckets are full of them no color on the leave no nothen except this dam curling up of the edges of the leaves and on about 30% of the plabts leaves are pointing down just on the tips not tip burn aaarrrrgggg


Well-Known Member
Bonglord, I think you are seeing warning signs that your ppms were getting too high. The actions you took were appropriate. If you don't see improvement in next week, I would drop the nutes down again. 2easy has good advice on dropping the Nitrogen even more. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
OK HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THI IS (sorry caps)View attachment 3001510

to much nut to little or nitrogen toxicity.

here is my youtube videos and a break down of the grow

2-18-14 i uped the nuts ppm to 1100 before that i had them at 750 i upped the nuts to see if that was the problem but nothing changed exsept the plants keep growing there very healthy looking getting 1" a day growth and very clean looking roots buckets are full of them no color on the leave no nothen except this dam curling up of the edges of the leaves and on about 30% of the plabts leaves are pointing down just on the tips not tip burn aaarrrrgggg
Just the tips down is often a warning sign that you are pushing the limits of what that strain can take for nute strength. I would back it down a bit and see if the leaf structure flattens out again. Definitely not too low at 1100 ppm.


I believe I am having nitrogen toxicity. I flushed it pretty good. How long does it take to bounce back?