"Sign Of The Times" conspiracy and cover up.

Yes, My dad got a good beating for less than a few minutes, but My dad was a child abuser, so I don't feel too bad. The reason why My mother, Mary, got divorced to My dad was because My mother caught My dad beating Me up for the final time.

P.S. My parents got divorced when I was in the 2nd grade, I believe.

you gotta do what you gotta do!sounds like he deserved it!
yes they have a small understanding and i can try. carbon can bond with 4 diff. things at once that's the key, it loves bonding and making 'concoctions'.
carbohydrate having the formula Cx(HOH)y. This carbohydrate oxidizes to water and carbon dioxide, which are then exchanged with the air; the carbons are connected by single bonds into a chain, a process called catenation. A carbon-based life-form "burns" this fuel in controlled steps using speed regulators called enzymes
there it is, the actual 'engine' that started it all. given enough time and enough concoctions it finally came to a point where a carbohydrate was created, a source of energy. now take that and put 2x10^16 in one place (earth) and you get a supersized concoction maker. everyone of those little 'engines combining with longer and longer chain molecules because why? carbon bonds with 4 diff. things at once. the numbers of variants is mind boggling.now what is still the holy grail is where and how did 'sentient life' begin. how the hell did that long chain molecule figure out it had to get more carbohydrates?

fascinating stuff honestly
lmao. You are so funny, in a very dry way. You don't even realise it!

"in a very dry way."

Thanks I guess. Its always a blessing to make other people feel good, laugh, have joy, be content, prosperous, happy, learn knowledge, be at peace or rest, etc..

"in a very dry way", haha...

Thanks, you make Me laugh and smile too.

The SIGNS of the TIMES!

Here we go again...

As I try and state everytime I post that video, I saw the black cloud on the eve of GOOD FRIDAY, and I was mistaken to say black Friday.

Also, I believe I say this in that video, but about a week later, I was sent to prison for fighting with My dad. I was in prison for 2 months, and then I was transferred to a state (mental) hospital, where I stayed for about 5 months.

So all one would need to do is see the exact date that I entered prison, and go about a week before I entered prison, and I am sure that you would see that it was around the eve of GOOD FRIDAY, and not black Friday.

But, I am not sure who has access to prison files.

It was an honest mistake, for Christs sake.

Anyways, did you watch My other 5 videos too? They are entertaining too.


Some new information! You heard it here first. Finally, a place where this important issue can be discussed... Or whitewashed.

What are you hiding George? Are you genetically modified of are you just a hybrid?
Some new information! You heard it here first. Finally, a place where this important issue can be discussed... Or whitewashed.

What are you hiding George? Are you genetically modified of are you just a hybrid?

I am not a genetically modified organism, nor am I an alien hybrid. I am 100% human, and I am mortal.

But, as you will see in this video, I am the Prophet.

I'm Christ and these are My novel inventions for the future!

In this video, you will see Me say that My Name is George Manuel Oliveira, and My initials are GMO: and GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. But My initials, GMO, backwards is OMG: and OMG stands for O My God.

Also, if you look up what My Name means, you will see that George Manuel Oliveira means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree." If you search for "Romans 11:16-26", you will see how many times the Bible talks about the "olive tree". And if you search "Revelation 3:12", you will see that Jesus said he would have a "NEW NAME".

Plus, if you watch that video, you can watch Me talk about some of My prophecies.

Please take 15 minutes to watch that video, and leave a comment on youtube.

Thanks ;-)

I am not a genetically modified organism, nor am I an alien hybrid. I am 100% human, and I am mortal.

But, as you will see in this video, I am the Prophet.

I'm Christ and these are My novel inventions for the future!

In this video, you will see Me say that My Name is George Manuel Oliveira, and My initials are GMO: and GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. But My initials, GMO, backwards is OMG: and OMG stands for O My God.

Also, if you look up what My Name means, you will see that George Manuel Oliveira means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree." If you search for "Romans 11:16-26", you will see how many times the Bible talks about the "olive tree". And if you search "Revelation 3:12", you will see that Jesus said he would have a "NEW NAME".

Plus, if you watch that video, you can watch Me talk about some of My prophecies.

Please take 15 minutes to watch that video, and leave a comment on youtube.

Thanks ;-)


Ok, but a simple web search found 236 individuals named George Manuel Oliveira. I am going to accept one of them into my life randomly. It may be you but is most likely not. I am guessing that they have better prophecies.
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And do you, Skuxx, believe humans evolved from single celled organisms?

If you believe we evolved from single celled organisms, how did this happen? and how did the first cells evolve from the elements?


Abiogenesis is the process that started life, and it is still a mystery. We know that when chemistry advances enough, and under the right conditions, it becomes biology. Some scientists have come close to creating life in the lab, I don't think it will be more than a few decades before we are able to do this routinely. As far as evolution by natural selection goes, I doubt you are intelligent enough to be able to understand the process. Let's try. Once we get to single celled organisms, they copy their own dna/rna to reproduce. At a regular frequency, they screw up copying themselves exactly and leave out or add new information into their genome. This process is known as mutation. Over millions of years and under certain survival pressures, this new information added to the genome can take on new, more complex functions that did not exist in the previous copy. Small, incremental steps over large periods of time created all of the diversity of life the world has ever had to offer. That's about as simple as I can relay the process, did it help you at all? Here is the wiki entry that uses bigger words, but hopefully you get the gist -


Further information: Mutation

Duplication of part of a chromosome.
Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence of a cell's genome. When mutations occur, they can either have no effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning. Based on studies in the fly Drosophila melanogaster, it has been suggested that if a mutation changes a protein produced by a gene, this will probably be harmful, with about 70% of these mutations having damaging effects, and the remainder being either neutral or weakly beneficial.[71]

Mutations can involve large sections of a chromosome becoming duplicated (usually by genetic recombination), which can introduce extra copies of a gene into a genome.[72] Extra copies of genes are a major source of the raw material needed for new genes to evolve.[73] This is important because most new genes evolve within gene families from pre-existing genes that share common ancestors.[74] For example, the human eye uses four genes to make structures that sense light: three for colour vision and one for night vision; all four are descended from a single ancestral gene.[75]

New genes can be generated from an ancestral gene when a duplicate copy mutates and acquires a new function. This process is easier once a gene has been duplicated because it increases the redundancy of the system; one gene in the pair can acquire a new function while the other copy continues to perform its original function.[76][77] Other types of mutations can even generate entirely new genes from previously noncoding DNA.[78][79]

The generation of new genes can also involve small parts of several genes being duplicated, with these fragments then recombining to form new combinations with new functions.[80][81] When new genes are assembled from shuffling pre-existing parts, domains act as modules with simple independent functions, which can be mixed together to produce new combinations with new and complex functions.[82] For example, polyketide synthases are large enzymes that make antibiotics; they contain up to one hundred independent domains that each catalyse one step in the overall process, like a step in an assembly line.[83]
I just had a prophecy. When I am elevated to the High Regulator of Sciences and Space Programmmes, I will direct the scientists to make UNIVERSAL ROBOTS that will zoom all over doing good things for humans. Like taking out the garbage or inventing cold fusion. These UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to manufactur very small nuclear engines so we can use them to heat our coffee and stuff. These UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to go much faster than light so they can take you back in time for like, when you miss a bus or something. UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to bore giant holes into the and through the Earth's core and allow all of us to avoid winter.

I just had a prophecy. When I am elevated to the High Regulator of Sciences and Space Programmmes, I will direct the scientists to make UNIVERSAL ROBOTS that will zoom all over doing good things for humans. Like taking out the garbage or inventing cold fusion. These UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to manufactur very small nuclear engines so we can use them to heat our coffee and stuff. These UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to go much faster than light so they can take you back in time for like, when you miss a bus or something. UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to bore giant holes into the and through the Earth's core and allow all of us to avoid winter.


Now, those sound handy! You are a much greater Prophet than pseudo-christ georgie. And according to George's logic, you don't even need to know how any of your ideas would work, or whether or not they are even physically possible; you simply put forth an idea and say you'll appoint others to figure out the details when you're King of the World. What an easy, fun waste of time that must be. Some life...
So @Nevaeh420 . You seem like a decent guy. I've been ragging on ya because you have gone a bit overboard on posting your stuff. We have seen it or not seen it depending on how we feel about it - and posting it over and over is not going to make things any better.

The more you post as George, the more we can get to like you better. We know your feelings on your personal Christness, but you don't need to go and keep repeating it. Just be George. M'kay?
I just had a prophecy. When I am elevated to the High Regulator of Sciences and Space Programmmes, I will direct the scientists to make UNIVERSAL ROBOTS that will zoom all over doing good things for humans. Like taking out the garbage or inventing cold fusion. These UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to manufactur very small nuclear engines so we can use them to heat our coffee and stuff. These UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to go much faster than light so they can take you back in time for like, when you miss a bus or something. UNIVERSAL ROBOTS will be able to bore giant holes into the and through the Earth's core and allow all of us to avoid winter.


Something like this has already been thought of. I couldn't find the exact video that I saw before, but this video will suffice for now.

Michio Kaku: The von Neumann Probe (A Nano Ship to the Stars)

Good try, keep on dreaming.

Something like this has already been thought of. I couldn't find the exact video that I saw before, but this video will suffice for now.

Michio Kaku: The von Neumann Probe (A Nano Ship to the Stars)

Good try, keep on dreaming.


What UB and Kaku are proposing are two VERY different ideas. Beside, all but your most stupid ideas are not original to you, but have been thought of by others before you. So, mediocre try, you can stop dreaming now...