sick plants :[

the very tops of my plants are black. there growing outdoors and still in veg, but the youngest leaves are all black and choppy, what does this meen and how do i fix it
100_1328.jpgin the very middle the youngest leaves are all black, there almost 3 months old, and ganna be going into the flowering stage soon, i live in ct, but i think it might be like this because its been so hot here lately


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
what i would do id top that b4 it takes over your plant in case it is a fungus of sum sort


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
do you see the little white speck on top your leaves, thats mites. look under the leaves and you will see litle drown mites.
same problem this year, go get seven dust and dust your plant lightly. The problem should be gone in a week or so. took six days for mine to clear up.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i have used fungiside from walmart works for a little while. take down works good. im trying this stuff caled azamax. working great as a foilar spray for mites