sick plants week 3 HELP!!!


bad side.jpg These 5 plants seem to be struggling compared to the other 6. For some reason right after being transferred to the hydro set up the bottom leaves started to curl and turn yellow, however the top leaves stayed green and keep growing. One of the plants did completely die though. Here are 2 close ups of what is going on with them.

brown bottom.jpgbrown bottom2.jpg
The 6 on the bottom are the exact same set up nutrients, lights, etc... and they are doing great. They are fed 20-20-20 jacks all purpose 1/8 tsp per gallon once a week and the water is changed every 2 weeks. Right now they are under 24 hr flouro lights until hid lights come in. A fan is in the room but not on the plants. Could someone give any suggestions on what is wrong with these bad looking plants. Thanks
good ones.jpg


Well-Known Member
Look just fine bro CALM DOWN lol. That is normal for the beginner leaf to fall of when the plant is though with it. The other plant that died that u speak of probably did so due to stress. Make sure to keep correct ph and if they have a root base use very little like 1/4 nute so as to not burn. It needs to get some sturdy legs before u plast it with food. Hope this helps. Anyone else have feed back ?


Active Member
those are 3 weeks old?....Dude...something is seriously wrong there, check out my grow journal...they are also 3 wk old hydro grown...I honestly don't know what would cause that...I'd think nute burn, but you're new leaves are's your PH? Super acidic water can burn leaves and kill plants..

Also, try flushing your plants, you're probably using too much ute for such tiny plants and it stressed them. Flush them for a few days and then start adding nutes SLOWLY


Thanks i just wasn't sure because the other ones dod not to that and i thought it was weird that it only happened in 1 tank and not the other


I mean they have only been in a hydro system for a week in a half. I started them in some crappy soil then found this cheap setup on youtube and decided to switch them over. I thought maybe i messed something up when i washed the roots off for the transfer. Another thing i wondered is if I didnt rinse the pea gravel off good enough before the transfer. I rinsed the two groups separately and though maybe this one wasnt rinsed off enough.

those are 3 weeks old?....Dude...something is seriously wrong there, check out my grow journal...they are also 3 wk old hydro grown...I honestly don't know what would cause that...I'd think nute burn, but you're new leaves are's your PH? Super acidic water can burn leaves and kill plants..

Also, try flushing your plants, you're probably using too much ute for such tiny plants and it stressed them. Flush them for a few days and then start adding nutes SLOWLY

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Root dammage. I use small cubes of rockwool to start my plants/clones. And I do it in a coning bin because it's easier. Some people who use constant watering hydro have problems with rockwool but my system is F&D and I get positive air exchange to my roots three times daily so I don't get fungus and mold problems. Your plants will get through the problem and you are doing the right thing by keeping them in green until they get their health back. Did you have proper drainage in the cups you started them in? When I use to dirt farm I'd start all my seedlings in a large cookie sheet, 2" deep, used for baking. It was easier to scoop them out with a table spoon without damaging the roots.


Well-Known Member
Im lost on whats the issue then. EVERYONES starter leafs die off. IF it's those two leafs only THEN U ARE OK.


Active Member
I did the same thing when I started mine...they were 1-1.5wks when I switched them over from even given that there is something up because they are still growing VERY slow. How close are the lights? What amount of lumens do you have going on? But really, in a hydro system you HAVE to have a pH test! I got a full test+pH up and down for $17 at my hydro store...I'm sure you can find it cheaper than that, fish stores will have them too.

I just re-read your initial post...I think it's your nutes. For vegging you want as close to 20-5-14 as you can find. i'm using General hydroponics MaxiGrow which is 15-4-14 and my plants are just eating it up and loving it. You are more than likely burning your plants. Start flushing them and try to find a fert closer to 20-5-14.


Active Member
Im lost on whats the issue then. EVERYONES starter leafs die off. IF it's those two leafs only THEN U ARE OK.
He's not talking about the initial sprout starter leaves, it's the set of leaves AFTER those that are yellowing and falling off...which is bad..
Definitely signs of too much humidity - so stop spraying them 2-3 times a day, as well as signs of stress and either over or under fertilization. It looks to me like they do not have enough energy, so under-fertilization, hence the EXTREMELY slow and poor growth and yellowing of the cotyledon leaves and pair of single leaflet leaves so soon.


SO should i switch fertilizerer or just add more. the room is definitely not humid.
Definitely signs of too much humidity - so stop spraying them 2-3 times a day, as well as signs of stress and either over or under fertilization. It looks to me like they do not have enough energy, so under-fertilization, hence the EXTREMELY slow and poor growth and yellowing of the cotyledon leaves and pair of single leaflet leaves so soon.


Active Member
First flush your plants with NO ferts, then switch ferts to the closest you can get to 20-4-14. If you use too much fert too soon you will get stunted and slow growth because the plant simply can't process it.


so to flush should i just use water in the reservoirs?? and plants will continue to get big in just wter
First flush your plants with NO ferts, then switch ferts to the closest you can get to 20-4-14. If you use too much fert too soon you will get stunted and slow growth because the plant simply can't process it.


Active Member
no need to dump your reservoir, re-fill with clean water and use JUST plain clean water for just a few days to flush the plants out. In this time, make sure your plain water is within a 5.5-6.5 pH level. After a few days you can SLOWLY add in a TINY amount of fert which you can increase after a week based on how the plants are doing. Really get that pH checked.


should i cut those leaves off with a razor blade since they arent gonna make it anyway
no need to dump your reservoir, re-fill with clean water and use JUST plain clean water for just a few days to flush the plants out. In this time, make sure your plain water is within a 5.5-6.5 pH level. After a few days you can SLOWLY add in a TINY amount of fert which you can increase after a week based on how the plants are doing. Really get that pH checked.


i mean they aren't dying they continue to grow just the bottom leaves look like hell. you said they were small for 3 weeks could it be that there is only 80 watts of flouro light on the about a foot high. i have a 400 watt mh and hps light and ballast on the way now.
No, let the plant prune itself. They might make a come back, you never know.