sick plants, PLEASE HELP


Active Member
No, I do the best once I know the plant...I am starting from seed now because my partner and I split ways...I have a process I go through when starting from seed. The goal there is to identify the very best female, clone the shit out of it. Then I do a run of 6 plants every three weeks...

which begs me to ask what you intend to looks like around 57 plants in there, you going to bud them all at once


No, I do the best once I know the plant...I am starting from seed now because my partner and I split ways...I have a process I go through when starting from seed. The goal there is to identify the very best female, clone the shit out of it. Then I do a run of 6 plants every three weeks...

which begs me to ask what you intend to looks like around 57 plants in there, you going to bud them all at once
YESSIR. and thats about right, i actually have 25 more that are coming tonight that were at a friends clone garden for a couple weeks in pots already so there pretty much the same size, so there will be 80 in there, and theres more room than it looks in the pictures


Active Member
ok, I did what I said....that was hours ago...around noon est or so....all of mine are standing to attention....are yours?


where the hell did you go??
hahaha sorry been nursing them back to normal, there still dropping right before light goes out and while its off?!?! but meh it is what it is, i since added a co2 burner to the room...
BUTTTT heres the downfall
i took a mesurement of my power usage and im off the charts running the 1000w and all the fans and gizmos, so i think im foeced to pull one of the 1000w out and just make the 45 of the nuicest ones under the 2 1000w, sighhhhh
like my average normally was 30 to 40kwh a day, im running 104kwh a day now for the past month so i have to cut right down lol i turned the furnace off and am going to turn hot water down to 130 i think, shoot i wish i coyuld controll the useage but its impossible without having my roo,m temp at like 90 to 92 degreess with the burner on so i been looking for somewheres to make a forum to have people give me advise cause im currently running 3000kwh a month opposed to the900 it was a month and a bit ago hahahah
but other than that ill take some pictures and show you i transplanted some into 2 gallons since im not going to be exopecting to out the otheres in the room.. now i have more space hahah, so im hopping to get a oz to oz and a half off each one with 8wks flowering and send them in at 10 to 10' tall, prob wont happen but maybe thereslight with the co2 burner going aty 1200 to 1500ppm continuosly and extracting the rooms air every half hour, dunnio we'll have to c