sick plant


plant.jpgPlease i need help tonight ! My ladies leafs are turning yellow and dying. I got them around 2 weeks old gave and them tap water that sat over night. then i let them grow for a week and then added nutes just a little waited 2 days and then gave them more i did this for 3 weeks and then i added more nutes to much im sure. so then the leafs started to turn yellow and die. I then flushed them with pure water for 2 feedings and now this is what i got. What do I do next???:sad:


Active Member
Ouch! Flush them clean with PHed water! Then give them a small dose of nutes..... Slow down on feeding them!

If you don't know how to do a proper flush then ask or look it up!


Active Member
You can flush your plant and have good results! It is not really a last ditch effort! I flush mine every two weeks or so! Just pour clean PHed water through the soil like 10 times your container! If you have a one gallon pot then pour ten gallons through it! Then on the last pour use 1/4 or 1/2 strength nutes! Then let it sit a few days before you water it again! Also get the majority of those sick leaves off! They will keep it from getting better! I promise you will have good results if you do it right! Other wise they will die!


You can flush your plant and have good results! It is not really a last ditch effort! I flush mine every two weeks or so! Just pour clean PHed water through the soil like 10 times your container! If you have a one gallon pot then pour ten gallons through it! Then on the last pour use 1/4 or 1/2 strength nutes! Then let it sit a few days before you water it again! Also get the majority of those sick leaves off! They will keep it from getting better! I promise you will have good results if you do it right! Other wise they will die!

Thanks i will do thet today and get all the dead ones off im going to the store to get a ph tester and some liqud karma we will see what happens THANKS