Sick Plant Need Help Asap

Its time for humans to change and evolve?

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New Member
Newbie grower about halfway through flower and having some major problems. soil grow organic. using fox farm soil and fert. thought i had some nutrient deficientcies so picked up some organic cal mag and organic nutes for flowering. dont know what for sure is happening. i have new growth twisting and it is not from heat i am sure. i have lots of spotting on older growth it started at the bottom seems like the spotting maybe two different problems but not sure. most of the plant's life it has had this claw thing going on but no burnt tips. any help would be great. these are the only detailed pics i have but i have a whole picture diary from when it was a seedling if needed. note this has been an extreme budget grow. not much money has been put into this project. PLZ HELP!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Looks like cal/mag should stop any new brown spots from showing up. But those hairs(tips turning brown) indicate to me the buds have stopped growing.. What Ph do you water with? FF is the same thing I use and cal/mag fixed my usual problem(depending on strain) that I had around 1/2 way into flowering ..
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New Member
Looks like cal/mag should stop any new brown spots from showing up. But those hairs(tips turning brown) indicate to me the buds have stopped growing.. What Ph do you water with? FF is the same thing I use and cal/mag fixed my usual problem(depending on strain) that I had around 1/2 way into flowering ..
I only have ph strips and it reads around 7 after nutes and calmag. So I just relied on the buffers in the soil mostly but I think they are running out its been in the same pot of dirt awhile now. And I was afraid of the bud problem too but it seems once I added the nutes and cal mag the buds seem much healthier