Sick plant can’t tell what it is

You can only flush what is already broken down. Any further flushing will just flush out all the microbial life in the medium. They will look better for a minute, then on e the microbes come back into full swing, you are right back here again. Just water, let the microbes break down what you already put in and let the plant use it up.
Gotcha makes sense lol, thank you
My best mix till this day is coco with some peat and ewc, something like 75-15-10.
Along the way you can topdress or salts.
Very easy and takes care of itself for the first month of grow.
Coco and organics isn't easy. Did you let it cook first and for how long? Looks like nutrient imbalance. The rust spots might be calcium deficiency. The coco could have absorbed some of it.
I don't think so, not with dry amendments in with it, and supercharge. It's like the coco is sitting in buffering solution all day errr day. If it's deficiency, I'm the 4' 2" dictator of North korea.

More likely the coco is saturated with mag, then leaches it out combining with the dry amendments creating a toxicity
Yeah people do that mistake often, pure coco is different than coco with even 10% peat or organics, just react differently and needs more "soil" ph etc, it can lead to some trouble.
I don't think so, not with dry amendments in with it, and supercharge. It's like the coco is sitting in buffering solution all day errr day. If it's deficiency, I'm the 4' 2" dictator of North korea.

More likely the coco is saturated with mag, then leaches it out combining with the dry amendments creating a toxicity
lol..I thought supercharge contains nonplant food tho and mainly for microbes
I don't think so, not with dry amendments in with it, and supercharge. It's like the coco is sitting in buffering solution all day errr day. If it's deficiency, I'm the 4' 2" dictator of North korea.

More likely the coco is saturated with mag, then leaches it out combining with the dry amendments creating a toxicity
What is Supercharge?
Didn’t let it cook but I had plenty of runs like that and it went really well
Was it looking better before and as time goes on it gets worse? How long ago did you add the nutrients? If it's been awhile it might be time to add more but I'd just use the 4-4-4 and some more EWC. You don't need the extra nitrogen in the guano.