Sick of dealing with dealers.... gonna start growing!!

My plant hasn't cost me one cent to grow.
Got one of my old ladys pots and sat it in the sun.
Now it's almost ready for harvest :)
Sorry... That was mean...but not meant to be. It takes courage...That's why dealers make money. I was told by a huge grower to treat it like a sack of shit...It's just there...
Fly above the radar....and best wishes to you.
I guess I was only trying to relate that you should try to grow enough to not have to be waiting all the time.
Keep kids and guns the hell away from whatever you are doing....
1 gallon pots...Change light at 5th or 6th leaf set....Adequate should be "stoked' with @ 15 24 inch smokestacks...Textbook first grow....half ounce per plant...Peace.
Use Hydro nutrients...They flush easier...I have found that keeping up the nitrogen even after flowering will give nice yield...Keep it up until one third of the way through flowering, then go to full flower solution. This is why you need to watch the bag seed as herm tendencies will really show with nitro....Don't let a male side branch screw your whole show. I'm excited for you....and hope that I saved you some time...I learned the hard way...I guess it is the only way...Aloha
Your fan is more than enough...kick in with a HPS 400 or 600. I ate peanut butter sandwiches for three months to get my first 400. You are taking the risk...Do a good one...and you'll have a peanut butter sandwich because of the munchies....
and dealers are a dime a dozen but occasionally you will find one solid mother fucker
i have two main dealers this hot as fuck white girl name ashley and this spanish rapper with a cd out named streetz

If ya keep putting this guy's name on internet forums you aint gonna have a great dealer for long:roll:
I costed out an ounce of ak-47. Considering the light and the soil were already paid for. The last run I had cost me roughly 3.75$ (USD) per ounce. My time is roughly 15$ per hour. That was not factored in. Electric was. (Figure at least 40 real hrs per grow minimum) per grow divided by ounces. Because to me, it is a labor of love, and my bud is not for sale. Smoking bud you have grown is PRICELESS IMHO. I chose to cut out the middle man. If I am smoking crappy herb there is no one to blame but myself.
I costed out an ounce of ak-47. Considering the light and the soil were already paid for. The last run I had cost me roughly 3.75$ (USD) per ounce. My time is roughly 15$ per hour. That was not factored in. Electric was. (Figure at least 40 real hrs per grow minimum) per grow divided by ounces. Because to me, it is a labor of love, and my bud is not for sale. Smoking bud you have grown is PRICELESS IMHO. I chose to cut out the middle man. If I am smoking crappy herb there is no one to blame but myself.

well add up how much it would be if you added up ALL the costs.