Sick of dealing with dealers.... gonna start growing!!


Well-Known Member
u know fuck this, im tired of having the haggle time and meeting places.....

i mean really how much does it COST to grow a single plant? and a single plant would give you about a good ounce wouldnt it?


Well-Known Member
it COSTS to grow a single plant in a professional grow room...easily less than $200 with a yield of about a qp
and you can have about 4 plants if you just want a small personal collection and itd be about $200
actually i had a free grow room
i just put my plant in my closet put a fan on low and pointed it at the plant and put a high powered UV bulb
every few hours i would rotate the plant so UV gets on more places and so the wind hits every where
also when my parents were not home i would take the plant outside so itd get fresh air and real sunlight then itd sprout like an inch in one day


Well-Known Member
if i lived by myself i would absolutely have atleast one plant growing in my room

and dealers are a dime a dozen but occasionally you will find one solid mother fucker
i have two main dealers this hot as fuck white girl name ashley and this spanish rapper with a cd out named streetz
they both come within 20 min and always have the dankiest of the dank and for me the hook it up fat and they do it for the avg cost
and they are both pretty high rollers considering when they want to re-up they need to go to a medicinal state


Well-Known Member
my friend just harvested her second grow attempts. yielded about and ounce and a quarter. one plant, and it was a breed of Cinderella 99 and northern lights. so fluffy!

she's got a good lighting system too. i cant remember it too well because I'm stoned at the moment. anywho... before it was done curing, i bought us a sack to hold us over and keep us from pinching before it was done. i got ripped so bad.$125 for a fucking half Oz of shit weed. fucking shady dealers. where is he old hippie next door neighbor type when you need him, right? anywho, the sack did not keep us from pinching, but its all good. I like smoking fresh bud and so did she.

potent though. one bowl does well for me, her and her brother, who often decides to join us. tastes amazing too. so... moral of story.... GROW!!!! spend your money on supplies to grow if you have the ability to do so. i highly recommend making the lifestyle switch.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure that you have everything set up before hand. Ventilation, lighting, seeds, soil, etc. In my opinion, it really sucks when you get 1/4 way into the grow and you realize there's something wrong. Especially when you're broke.


Well-Known Member
thats why the weed gods gave us youtube and sites like this
and there are lots of people here who will help and you can find a plant that has the closest needs as possible as weed so you can go to a plant store and ask what you would need


Well-Known Member
i got five bag seeds in a wet paper towel right now waiting for the world! do your thing man..the only thing about that is dont just grow 1 may end up with a like 4 or 5..your bound to get at least one female and get those males out ASAP..and let the girls give you what you want..feel me??


Well-Known Member
what i did once was
i saved all my seeds for months and one day i just went to this woody and grassy area and threw seeds all around
in one spot about 9 seeds sprouted all very close together
after a few months the plants had all fused together to make one big ass plant


Well-Known Member
what i did once was
i saved all my seeds for months and one day i just went to this woody and grassy area and threw seeds all around
in one spot about 9 seeds sprouted all very close together
after a few months the plants had all fused together to make one big ass plant
so then what happened


Well-Known Member
oh yeah lmao
im like a master of suspence
sorry lol
it died because in a freak occurance it went from 75 at night to 45 for a few days in a row and it died


Active Member
What's with everyone chirpin about bag seed? I've never gotten a single seed in the weed I've bought.

If seeds developed, doesn't that mean the females were pollenated by males, reducing the quality of the weed?


Well-Known Member
Your Correct..but Grow Them And Youll Have The Same Weed That Got You High With The Same Or Better Potency Depending On How You Grow Them


Well-Known Member
it will cost a bunch the first trime if you wanna do it right so you should do more than 1 plant but the way you save money is that you can keep growing once you spend your initial investment on lights pots ect then yopu havbe what you need and you only have to buy nuts, soil, ph down, and power bills

youll save money in the long term but short term it will be kinda pricy