SICK LOWRYDER #2's - overwatering? underwatering? nitrogen def?


Active Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for checking out my thread. I'm somewhat new to growing, and totally new to growing Lowryders. I started these two feminized Lowryder #2's about 11 days ago. On around day 5, i noticed that they were getting slightly brown right on the tips of the leaves and a little yellow on the leaves themselves. I figured it to be either over/underwatering, nitrogen deficiency, or heat stress from my CFL's.

I pretty much narrowed it down to heat stress and moved the plants away from my CFL's, they were about 4-inches away, and I moved them to about 6-inches away. This seemed to correct the problem, as they continued to flourish and look healthier, while still having just a small amount of brown on the edge, which is obviously a burn that isnt just going to disappear. But the yellow color disappeared and other than the small brown tips they looked great. So I figured they were fine.

About 2 days ago, day 9, I noticed that they were drooping a bit. This was right after giving them a good watering, so i figured maybe I over-watered a bit and they just needed some time to dry and get some oxygen back into them. Well it's now day 11 and theyre still lookin pretty sad, also, they're starting to get a bit yellow again.

So my question for you guys is:

What could be making them do this?

Heat stress? Still too much light? are the 4, 100w equivilant CFL's just too much light for the plants / small space?

Over/under-watering? I water every other day because the damn Jiffy pots suck up so much water, it seems like my soil gets dry late in the same day that I water. Think it's too much / too little?

Nitrogen deficiency?
I read in a 'Sick Plant Guide' that this can cause similar symptoms.

Something else?

THANK YOU in advance for your time and contributions!


Below i've attached 2 pictures and listed every possible detail of my grow setup that I could think of, please let me know if you need any more details.

Lowryder #2

Rubbermaid stealth box, lined in mylar, 3 intake holes, an exhaust fan, and 4, 26w (100w equivalent) CFLs, 3 are 6500k 'cool' CFL's, the other 1 is a standard warm CFL. They're planted in 4-inch Jiffy pots. No nutes yet.

Day: Low-Mid 80's / 25-30%
Night: Low-Mid 70's / 25-30%


Every other day, with distilled water, soaking them til water barely drips out of the bottom

Organic 'EKO Compost All Purpose' potting soil. It's a mix of organic compost, Canadian sphagnum, peat moss, and perlite, specially formulated for potted plants. All natural with no nutes and it's pre-PH balanced. Doesn't have any specific stat's on it's packaging though (?-?-?)



Well-Known Member
Every other day might be to much for watering. I had problems w/ my first lowryder grow and have had two sucessful grows w/ lowryder since then. I'm using 2 gal grow bags right now and they seem to be working great. Watering about every 4 to 5 days and 1/2 strength fox farm nutes every other watering. Lowryders seem to like to be left alone. I let them pretty much dry out between watering. I'm growing under a 150watt hps in a 2' x 1 1/2' x 3' high box so I don't think light is the problem.. Hope this helps..


Well-Known Member
Those are really small for 11 days. Either way, don't water so much. I see water on the's too early to mist the leaves. They don't look so bad yet. Just don't over water them, transplant them to bigger pots, and get some wind on them. That's all you can do at this stage...they're young.

And there's no way it's heat stress. I grow with CFL's in veg (and I have a LOT of light) and keep em an inch or two max above the plants. They get bushy as hell that way. Otherwise, don't give em nutes, follow the above advice, and see how they do. LR's are finnicky and fragile as shit dude. They are THE most needy strain I've ever grown - constant attention...


Active Member
im not sure but i think its overwater and idk if this is causing any problems with the leaves but humidity should be higher than 25-30% for sure


Well-Known Member
im doing diesel ryder now, two weeks old I give them about one and a half oz of distilled water a day no food for two weeks then start at about a fifth work your way up to a half portion no higher every other watering put fan on them oscelating more humidity at least 45 to 5o that young i like to keep heating pad under Im an expert lol been growing for three months now ha ah ha ha. lots of luck bro im out


Active Member
thanks for the responses guys.. ya i agree the humidity needs to be higher, im going to go get a humidifier tonight. also, the reason ive been watering every other day is cause the jiffy pots seem to soak up all the water so fast, they seem to be completely dry the next morning. but i agree with you ill bet my money on over-watering being the problem, and thanks for the tip on misting, ill stop that for sure.