Sick clone, been searching, don't know what the problem is


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm new to growing, this is my first grow and I've made some mistakes already (planted in MG soil). Anyways, I have a clone that I got from a friend, some of the leaves have started to turn yellow with some red spots on just 2 of the leaves. I've had this clone for 2 weeks now and I'm guessing it's nute burn. I've been looking at all sorts of pix trying to figure this out, but I still think it's like 3 different things... GAH! So I was hoping that someone on here with more expierence might be able to help me figure this out.

Here's what I've got going on with my grow box.
~It's a 55gal fish tank, walls have been painted white then covered with mylar and the outside covered with bath towels to keep all light in/out.
~1 clone and 1 plant started from seed, both planted in a mixture of Miracle Grow Potting Mix, and Miracle Grow Organic.
~I have x4 26w 1600lum 6500k cfl's, x2 26W 1750lum 2700k cfl's, x1 42w 2600lum 2700k cfl, x1 ?w 900lum 5500k flourescent tube.
~Plants are kept 3-5 inches away from lights.
~I water only when the top 2-3 inches of soil are completely dry, using distilled water and no nutes yet.
~Heater set to 75 degrees and kept there (colorado winters are cold)
~Large fan kept blowing on them 24/7

Now the plant I started from seed is looking like a CHAMP! Just fantastic! I can only hope that it turns out to be female! But the clone is not looking so great. Here are some pix of the clone and some of the affected leaves. If you need any more info I'll give you whatever I can. ANY help or critisism(sp?) at all would be more than appreciated! Thankyou in advanced to anybody that does!

Oh, and it's mostly, actually pretty much only the botom leaves. The new groth looks fairly alright. But those old leaves on the botom are the one's turning yellow and stuff. Also I just finishd dealing with a spider mite infestation. I think they we're already on the clone when I got it because they are not on and never were on my plant grown from seed. Those bastards are taken care of now tho!



Well-Known Member
You say your not giving it any nutes yet, there could be the problem. That plant looks more than mature enough to have been started on nutes. If the soil has been drained of nutes from the plant eating it, would happen within a couple of weeks, then as it starves it will take the nutes from its leaves to survive, turning them yellow. I would get feeding it mate, start off weak and build up the strength of the nutrient mix over the next week or two.

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks bro! It is much appreciated! It's planted in Miracle Grow soil (I know a bad idea) that's the reason I haven't given it any nutes, because the MG soil already has some and I didn't want to cause nute burn by feeding it even more nutes. I just wasn't sure weather it was a deficiency, or nute burn. Some of the very very tips of the plant look to be slightly burnt. Still think I should feed her like 1/4 strength nutes...?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give her ANYTHING bro, not if you're planted in MG.
This is my first grow too, and I fucked up and used that shit soil... NEVER AGAIN.
I never once gave my plant any nutes, and for the first month everything was gravy, and then two weeks later the plant was BURNT to shit.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give her ANYTHING bro, not if you're planted in MG.
This is my first grow too, and I fucked up and used that shit soil... NEVER AGAIN.
I never once gave my plant any nutes, and for the first month everything was gravy, and then two weeks later the plant was BURNT to shit.
lol its not the soil that killed them. The reason they were fine for the first month is the MG soil nutes. But after that, the plant has taken all the nutes that were in soil, so you need to start giving them it yourself. It wasn't nute burn, it was malnourished!


Well-Known Member
Yea the plants would easily finish off the nutes in the soil in a few weeks, remember you would also wash out the nutes when you water especially as you should have good drainage if you have been sensible and added vermiculite or the such to the soil, will greatly improve airiation of the roots. Must watch out for soil that has time released nutes, these could hang around in the soil longer, avoid big time you will have no end of troubles.


Well-Known Member
There might also be a problem with the roots getting tangled up since they are in the same bucket.
That's just one plant in 1 bucket bro, got her LSTing.

Ok, so now the thing I'm wondering about is my MG soil says on it (Feeds plants up to 3 month's) So am I depriving the plant of nutrients right now? Because I haven't given it any? I have the nutes, I really just don't want to burn the shit outa her with adding more nutes to the time release nutes in the soil. make sense? I mean this clone has seriously only been planted in the MG siol for 2 and a half weeks now. (19 days to be exact) I thought it may have looked like a deficiency aswell, but the burnt tips made me wonder... So today is watering day... Should I flush or feed? Flush or feed?

To FEED???? Or NOT to FEED???? THAT is the question.....

P.S. Thanks again guys for all the help! This site rocks!


Well-Known Member
OK, you are using time release nutriated soil, I hate that stuff. As you are using the time released soil I would change my views back to it being nute burn. Flushing might not help as the time released soil feeds when its watered so flushing may cause more burning. Personally I would repot in new soil without added nutes, can be a bitch and you have to be real careful with the roots, or even into another medium such as coconut husk, no nutrients in there unless you add it. If you dont want the to go to the trouble of repoting in new soil then you might be able to get away with just plain water but watch the babies closely as if the burning gets worse then you will have no choice but to repot or they will die.

Best of luck mate,


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro I appreciate it! I figured out what to do, kinda watered with reg water, then watered with nutes, then watered with reg water again all within the span of 10 min. I'm not sure what exactly I was hoping for by doing so but she's looking healthy as a horse now!

I just discovered one of my (girls) isn't so much of a girl... I got a male and uprooted the bastard... Made him into cannabutter yesterday, now just waiting to get off work to make some brownies! :)

Updated picx! First two are of Lacy, my happy health female. Last 3 are of the male, last 2 are the dead male...

