sick but getting better


Well-Known Member
arent you a pharmacist? lol
My dads a pharmacist and he wont take any pills lol I wonder why??? We get in frequent arguments. I tell him he distributes poisons and he tells me I am involved in narcotics haha. He is completely oblivious to cannabis being a medicine because all his little pharmacy journals and college text books about pharmacology from 1982 say its bad.


Well-Known Member
Tramadol is the only prescription drug I like when sick(normally no antibiotics or anything). It doesn't give you that heavy slack jawed opiate stone it just let's me melt in to the bed in combo with some benadryl. Then I sleep all day

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Ive been sick enough to be in bed twice in the last ten years. My immume system is extra ordinary. Now hangovers on the other hand used to kick my ass. Bile isnt meant to leave the body through the mouth lol
Or through the nose. lol

Lysemith, Lowkey

Well-Known Member
benadryls the best sleepy fuzzy potentiator. safest too! I throw in a vicodin if things are really bad. Tea, honey, muscle relaxant, a little opiate, no smoking, and lots of rest with videogames.


Well-Known Member
1 8oz glass/cup/mug

2 plain lipton tea bags

fill cup half full with hot water put the tea in

3 tsp sugar

2 tsp childrens tylenol...and no off brand shit, specifically chldrns tylenol cold and fever

fill the rest of the cup with straight lemon juice

cant explain it but it works