Well-Known Member
Interesting you feel that lemon juice is a good long term PH down/ never thought their was any validity to that and aren't you concerned about the acid affecting your beni bac/fungi colonies?? or are you constantly inoculating the soil?? Sulfur is a good long term organic ph down BUT will also not play nice with the beneficial bacteria. In the end if it works for you, go for it
Girls look great brother!! .................ah that ASS!!!lol
What's up Psuagro, been awhile. Not sure on long term because I've never used it much. I just recently ditched the PH down. My teas usually need very little adjustment and don't seem to be effected by it. There seems to be plenty of action after 24 hours. I am trying to inoculate the soil with teas once every week to 10 days. My water is PH testing around 8 out of the tap and I'm not comfortable giving them that contrary to what some people believe, I just can't do it lol. Does a little sulphur go a long way? Please share your experience with your application.