Fam I've read about it happening ALL kinda ways around the Northcack boss.
A dude in Raleigh thinks he got followed home from the Fifth Season which is my store
Popped him and his wife.
Wife got off and he ate everything.
I don't go to the store haha. Ever.
A couple in hickory had truck bed under ground

! Don't remember the outcome but
BUSTED!! A dude in Asheville got hemmed up because he was throwing his shit away in the same trash can at a school, and cops got a tip and set up surveillance.
Busted that ass 
A couple in my home town got popped prob the end of the year. Said it was an elaborate marijuana set up lol. And another dude right down town in the historic district got raided..SMH...And remember that girl InTheGarden from grasscity I was telling you about. Well she lived apparently on the outskirts of my city and I read about someone in the next city getting hemmed up as well and she dissappeared and is no longer on Grasscity so IDK but yea man....
They're getting the salaries paid by weed and that alone..That's the beef with legalizing nationally. We'll get outta one recession fast as fuck that's for sure...
But the war on drugs...That'll be a wrap. And they need something to fight haha. It's the "American way" hahaha
They make me us out to be "Clydes" boss. So I'ma ride with it haha. We're commiting a crime because a man says so..But not God.
Just the man..
Takes me back to a time when I was chillin with a couple of coworkers one night after work at their place, only to find out that they had an openly racist roommate, who obviously wasn't worried about me fucking him up haha.
We're all sitting at the table in the kitchen smoking and drinking(the 4 of us not including the roommate) and he walks his lilly white redneck ass in and outta his mouth comes some nigger joke haha. I don't remember exactly what he said over 1000 spliffs later lol, but i remember everybody skipping a beat and waiting for me to wig out haha. Everybody but ol buddy haha. I looked over at him getting himself a beer and buddy spit out ANOTHER nigger joke hahahaha.
Mouths dropped haha and my coworker told him to chill at this point. Afterwards she told me he was just a redneck ass dude but was straight...Yeahh...
But what do I do?
Told him go head and let me hear em had anymore lol and ol buddy spit a solid 3 or 4 more out before he realized damn...
Ain't nobody bugging with me hahahha.
Within a week later I see buddy walking into our store to see old girl and he comes to make with his hand out like heyy buddy im not really like that man and blablabla. I was just like its cool man. No problem
And basically I was like word after his comedy show and told him I love my nigger life and wouldn't trade it for the world. After all was said and done in a solid 2 minutes he retired to his room with his beer and we carried on lol..like nothing ever happened...
You don't get a reaction bra...Not if you that stupid..
I'm not gonna waste a minute longer than I have to acknowledge some ignorant shit like that haha
This was was in 2010 by the way in the winter time..But WTF do I look like being insulted by a word haha. And buddy coulda only pulled that off in a room full of racists...Or maybe a lil easier couple decades ago..
Shit I went to high school in a rich ass city with lots of rednecks and most of them were good friends..When I was ballin and around them at least..
But I say all that to say that I am what they think I am...I'll play Clyde because I got to...And I'll play him well.
And Bonnie is a good girl haha! She's graduating this summer and headed to grad school next year, so she can't afford a fall either.
Hell she less worried about shit than I am haha. Im always showing her shit about ppl getting hemmed up trying to scare her but she don't.
She good as long as she's got me and her Pooch haha. Not to mention her green haha

My ppl that know me know who I am and they few that know what I'm up to don't judge.
Their first and last words contain the words be careful as well as I know you'll be alright.
Hell my best friend in the US is in the UFC now and just signed his contract for his second set of fights last night!
Not to mention the fact htat he's a criminal justice major...Dude has never had a sip of alcohol or a smoke of weed in his life and he don't judge haha.
His first and last words we're the same as my homies in Holland, Australia, and Liverpool.
The judicial system is the perpetrator mann.
closing words for this rant lol
"you gotta network to get work". And that's my quote
Ps. Ill google that situation in Tennessee
edit-Swag posted it