*Shutting down the plant room advice*


Well-Known Member
Hello guys,

I have to shut down the plant room as i have the landlord coming round to check the place out routine it's been a couple of years so i can't complain.

My tents are in my second bedroom and i've kind of set it up so it can be removed and taken down in about an hour and a half.

So this is a good test, my worry is the plants themselves, 3 sets of plants at different stages,

(1) PPP 4 weeks into flowering......PPP clones three weeks into veg, lastly Skunky one three weeks into flowering.

So there light cycle is going to be :fire: so although only for a few hours as after the visit i will set it all up fairly quickly but any advice on what to do or how to store the plants temporary the good thing is they will not be at any serious smelly stage.


Well-Known Member
Hi, if it's warm enough could you maybe put them outside for an hour or so? Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I suggest somewhere that can be locked and where it would be plausible that you don't have the key right now, I don't know your situation but you could pretend you're renting a room and that your roommate is not there a the moment.


Active Member
Locked closet, spray a little fabreeze around 20 minutes before their arrival, and try to keep the whole thing as short as possible. "cough cough, Im sick and wanna get back to bed"... cough into your hand, then go to shake your landlords hand. He will wanna get out.

I wouldnt worry so much about the light cycle for just an hour or two. THATS not going to ruin your entire op and the landlord only comes every few years anyway, right?


Well-Known Member
What i am going to do is put them in storage boxes i have brought and tape them up the sort of thing you would move house with.

I will then put them in my main bedroom it would only be a couple of boxed needed and yes one can go inside the closet. I was worried mainly because if i mess around with the light they may go hermie?

Sounds like i should be ok then.......:blsmoke:


Junior Creatologist
The roomate idea was pretty good. You should take the time to weather strip the door to the spare bedroom, and then put a lock on the door that you "dont have the key to right now". Still tear down your grow, but the weather stripping will ensure that any non-pothead wont be able to smell any signs of an aroma coming from inside that room. I mean, sure he might wanna come back when the door is unlocked, but it will also allow you to have more time to think of a more permanent replacement space for your plants. That way quick thinking is not needed from now on, youll have a set spot for everything to go.

good luck man :)


Well-Known Member
my landlord thinks we rent the spare bedroom out to someone for storage...theyre the only one with a key...sorry mr. landlord

so excited...in my next place, the landlord is cool with us growing...she's an old hippy and said she doesnt give a fuck as long as the house isnt torn down in the process


Well-Known Member
my landlord thinks we rent the spare bedroom out to someone for storage...theyre the only one with a key...sorry mr. landlord

so excited...in my next place, the landlord is cool with us growing...she's an old hippy and said she doesnt give a fuck as long as the house isnt torn down in the process
be careful with 'cool' landlords though too, they might expect things.. ;)
some are actually just cool though.

The closet idea is probably the best bet, there is no real reason for them to go through the closets..

i dunno.. put them inside coolers, or boxes etc..


Well-Known Member
I've ordered the boxes which the tanks will fit right into,

just the PPP is now tall so will need to make the box taller by adding another box to it, i will be nervous on the day which is next week.....as he will be pretty much within touching distance of all plants within the boxes...will have to keep calm and trust i have this worked out correctly.

It just the smell but they don't really smell as you know until at least 4 weeks in. Have special air fresh spray which should help and will have the window open in my bedroom with drying clothers hanging up should help, if it's chilly he will not wish to stay in there long...'' :mrgreen: