Shrooms Vs Acid


Well-Known Member
Well, I think this thread serves to illustrate how diffirently the same substances are perceived and experienced by diffirent people. You won'tknow what floats your boat till you try both, preferably repeatedly till you get a clear picture.


Well-Known Member
imho saying acid and shrooms are comparable is like saying a moped (shrooms) is comparable to a corvette (lsd)
i always liked to wait about 45 mins-hour after i dropped (right when you get the rubbery knees) to light up a big fatty, it really kicks the giggles in!
after that i usually just keep a bowl around and a small sack of dank to puff on as i need. i typically dont smoke very many bowls, but when your trippin balls, joints/blunts are too complicated, bongs get broke/spilt/run out of water, or someone busts out laughing when taking a rip and blows water back out the stem, lol....

tho lsd hasnt been available where im at for almost 10 years.


Well-Known Member
that is pretty odd.. in order to make LSD-25 you need access to a lab and barrels of specific controlled substances.. in a bathtub you can make other things like PCP, but not real LSD..
All I am saying is be careful because you never know for sure if what you are getting is pure lsd-25. Unless you pick it up at the lab yourself, you just cant know for sure what you are getting. Beleive it or not, not all dope dealers research where the product they sell comes from. Most dope dealers dont give a shit if you live or die, because there will always be another idiot to buy their bugus shit. Burnouts are a dime a dozen. And the name "bathtub acid" does not mean they actually make the shit in a fucking bathtub. It is a generic nickname given to bootleg gin(bathtub gin) during the prohibition of alcohol in the USA. It now is a generic term used to describe anything that might be made under less than ideal circumstances.


Well-Known Member
you are correct.. i am selective about what source i trust - unless it is something recognizable like black pyramid gels or microdot,, again - i am not clear on how widespread the faking of acid with RCs is.. i will endeavor to figure it out,,


Well-Known Member
I dont have any idea how widespead that problem might be either. I dont have any recent experience with acid. Back in the 60s and 70s, a lot of the ingredients were easier to come by than they are now and acid was being made in college chemistry labs all over the country.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Just about anyone with basic chemistry knolage and some basic lab equipment, can attempt to make acid.
Bullshit. I have a rather decent knowledge of chemistry and I am telling you, it is not possible to make acid in anything short of a decent lab. LSD-25 (with conventional syntheses) is one of the most difficult substances to synthesize period, generally speaking it can take up to Doctorate level chemists to even have thought of a successful attempt. Granted there are a couple of teks that it could be done with a Bachelors in chem/organic chem I would imagine.

in a bathtub you can make other things like PCP
Still not happening.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. I have a rather decent knowledge of chemistry and I am telling you, it is not possible to make acid in anything short of a decent lab. LSD-25 (with conventional syntheses) is one of the most difficult substances to synthesize period, generally speaking it can take up to Doctorate level chemists to even have thought of a successful attempt. Granted there are a couple of teks that it could be done with a Bachelors in chem/organic chem I would imagine.

Still not happening.
Bullshit crank is all people make in the bathtub.


Well-Known Member
I said they TRY to make pure acid. I never said they actually succeeded. Which was the point of my original post. To just say be careful of what you expose your body and mind to. But I fear I may have been too late.


Well-Known Member
You can always tell an acid head, you just cant tell him much. All you crispy critters have a good day. Dont forget to wipe the drool off your chins and take your Thorazine.


Active Member
O well is street acid usually more intense then shrooms (didn't get the acid today, ill get it Tuesday)?


Well-Known Member
it is also just a lot easier to munch 10 doses and be incredibly high than to eat the equivelant in mushrooms - what would it be like 10 grams? i think you might feel quite a bit of stomach upset from that amount too..


Well-Known Member
You are not going to find too many agreeing answers on that question.
SO some whill say yes, and some will say no... both substances can in phases have qualities of the other, but i think you should find, like I did there is a diffirence between them which is not easily qauntified or even identified. I know exaclty in my head, what the difirences are, but I don't know how to verbalise it more than my attemps in other threads.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
For me Acid was edgier and more intensely psychedelic than shrooms.

While shrooms were still very tripy, the journey you went on was more organic, earthy and mild than the acid trip.

With acid, I wanted to be active and social. Everything was absolutely the funniest or deepest thing that I'd ever heard.

With shrooms, the first part of the trip was much like LSD. Came on slowly and in waves and then POW, you were trippin!

But the later part of the shroom trips, I just wanted to find a quiet corner and trip out in my own crazy world.

Both with acid and shrooms, the the journey was profoundly spiritual and intensely introspective.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
lol ok my freind only wants me to take a half tab would i still trip hard if i took half a tab
If your friend is selling it to you, he is only saying to take half so it sounds like it is strong... Dealer hype.

You might barely even feel one (in most places).. take 2 or 3. lol.