shrooms stronger than cid?


Well-Known Member
how long do they take-I mean, how long should I expect to flower my B+ shroomes before picking? I've never grown mush before.

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Once you get pinning, you should only have a week left. I've been getting pins in about 2 weeks after putting into the fruiting chamber.

You can eat 'em fresh - they tend to be a bit more intense.

Drying can be done by just sitting out - so long as your room humidity isn't high. Takes a few days. Or they can be dried with low heat - like a food dehydrator, or sitting above a monitor or TV.


Well-Known Member
I gotta say most of the people on here must get some pretty sh*tty shrooms. I have done acid 5 times and not once did it even come close to mushrooms. I have done mushrooms more times than I can keep track of and they are by far the better trip. Way more intense than acid. First time I did them I took 5 grams of mexican blue caps and flew for a solid 10 hours. Acid is childs play!!


Well-Known Member
I gotta say most of the people on here must get some pretty sh*tty shrooms. I have done acid 5 times and not once did it even come close to mushrooms. I have done mushrooms more times than I can keep track of and they are by far the better trip. Way more intense than acid. First time I did them I took 5 grams of mexican blue caps and flew for a solid 10 hours. Acid is childs play!!
or maybe you're getting shitty acid?



Well-Known Member
wow. I picked mine a few days ago. Only got 2 good sized ones, and I made some prints from them too, but only ended up with one really decent print. Mushrooms are so fucking cool! Can't wait to eat them-waiting till this weekend. Damn it took a lot of restraint not to eat them right after I picked them, but ther'll be plenty more!


Active Member
no offence mate but me n 2 other lads (one of whom had never taken any acid or shrooms in his life) all ate 10 grams of copelandia not realising how strong they would be - im not doubting their potency anymore but i am suggesting you try it for a proper trip! also try it walking around amsterdam mid trip lost!! so to finish i just wanna say that the fella who was sayin he did 7.5 grams good on him - to u for doubting him shame on u :-)

If you think shrooms are not as strong as acid, try eating Hawaiin Copelandia's. That is the most potent psylocybe there is and ever will be. They are ultra thin, with tiny caps. If you eat even a gram, you will be out of this world. literally. Try hawaiin copelandia's, IF you can get your hands on them. and tell me they are less potent than acid. I ate 1.5 grams when I went to maui with my friend, and I could not see for hours. I could not speak, at all. I cannot begin to describe the trip. That fateful day has forever changed my life.


Active Member
There different highs. They can both be great, mediocre, or not so good.
It depends on you. Enjoy


Well-Known Member
All I can say is I've lost my shit on both, and I've had a mild experience on both... I've prolly eatin' bout 500 hits and drank a few vials and about a couple of lbs of funghi over my life...


Even skydived on the shit...


Active Member
well what do you mean by stronger? lysergic acid diethylamide is more potent by weight than pilocybin, requiring only a few hundred micrograms to produce an experience compared to pilocybins about 20 miligrams. Im pretty sure they effect the same receptors, so in chemical theroy, so if one knew the knew the dosage of the acid and the shrooms themselves, then you could trip just as hard on either.


Well-Known Member
Man I listen to people talk about taking 2 or more hits of cid. It boggles the mind. I'm 54 and the acid we got was amazingly powerfull. A 4 hit blotter or tab ( sunshine, orange barrel And windowpane ) were amazing. you divided it in four and each 1/4 was 500 mics. You'd trip for 12 - 24 hrs. and it wasn't a lite head rush, I'm talking TRIPPING, I've seen it snow up !! Now thats tripping. We had different cids. Some were auditory, you'd hear weird shit. Then there was what we called stare cid. you'd stare at somthing like a electrical pole and it would start to bend and move... Holy Fuck :o:o:o

Now that's entertainment.. :):)


Well-Known Member
:peace:Yeah like the twisty one said acid in the old days was probably better .I remember the little owl on the tabs too... I quit doing 'shrooms a while ago,I always got in trouble when I did them for some reason...:peace:


Well-Known Member
:peace:Yeah like the twisty one said acid in the old days was probably better .I remember the little owl on the tabs too... I quit doing 'shrooms a while ago,I always got in trouble when I did them for some reason...:peace:
yeah we had a twisty one called space language.. pretty good paper... but I always relyed on my liquid lsd on sugar cubes.... wow I can still taste it..
