shroom spores legality


Active Member
so I ordered some spores off the internet. The mail carrier took it on himself to reject my package because he "didnt recognize the name". it got sent back to the sender and he resent it again. It got back to my city but it was "missent" and is now heading to Georgia as a lost package. Here is the catch: psilocybin spores are ILLEGAL in Georgia. Does that mean I'm going to get in trouble now?


bud bootlegger
is the address it's getting sent to in georgia??
i'm not sure how this works tbh, but with cannabis seeds, they're illegal to possess in every state in the us of a, but if customs happens to catch them in the process of getting shipped to you, the most that they will do is send you a lovely keep sake letter saying someone tried to mail you a form of contraband, and on the letter it's checked off on the drug's section, and on my on letter, hand written in next to the drug box was the word.. seeds, in red pen..
now, i know that shroom spores are legal to possess in the us of a, so long as you don't try to grow them, except in i think it's like three or so states, georgia, california and one other i want to say.. i'd like to think that they'd just do the same as they do with cannabis seeds, take out the spores and in their place send you a nice keep sake letter saying you were a bad, bad boy / girl, and if you'd like, you can come on down to the local customs office and pick up your goods, which of course isn't recommended.. :D

hopefully someone else can chime in with a bit more experience in the illegal states such as georgia..where's canndo or mreduck when we need them.. :D


Well-Known Member
You're safe dude..just don't accept the package,deny your involvement,and accept the loss..order again soon.and discuss with your vendor the situation if possible..


I've been in a similar situation...
I order seeds every year most of the time multiple times a year, The seed banks that I use now will change up their envelopes and the way they package the seeds i.e. what they use to hide them in...
Some dogged customs agent noticed that I was getting a lot of packages from Amsterdam and all of the packages looked the same in every way, Well needless to say the Customs agent opened the last 3 packages and found the seeds. Like Racerboy71 said, In place of my seeds was a nice little letter stating that there was contraband in my packages and if I thought that my shit was seized unfairly then I could appeal the seizure. Also needless to say I just wrote it off as a loss and I emailed the seed vendor telling them that they may want to change up the packages like use different envelopes and different stealth processes.
The way I see it and apparently the way the US government sees it, You can't control what someone tries to send to you. So no worries man, Just use a different vendor or something. Theres lots of great spore stores out there, A lot of which are based inside of the US...
When I ordered shroom spores from a place outside of the US I had my package opened and examined at US customs in NY and they couldnt seize my spore syringes so they just put a letter in my package stating that they opened and examined my package and nothing was taken.
Damn big brother...


bud bootlegger
yeah rnc, that's the nice thing about spores.. a, you can order them from within the us of a's borders and therefore don't have to worry about customs at all..
and b, they're legal in almost every state, minus i do believe it's only 3, i want to say ga, cali and one other again.. the last one is slipping my memory atm as i don't live there and don't have to worry about it, lol..
i'd think that most spore suppliers wouldn't even send a package of spores to one of the 3 states as they know it's against the law to possess spores there, and don't want to get in dutch themselves, but i'm not positive about that last part 100%, but i could have swore i've read on their sites that they don't sell spores to those 3 states..


Active Member
cool, thats what i figured. I was just worried cause i've called them twice like WTF where is my package? I highly recommend never, ever, ever... I repeat, NEVER!!!!!!! using the USPS. how hard is it to ship something from one state to the other ? LOL they were only coming from indiana to ohio but apparently it's too hard to comprehend and need someone with a theoretical physics PhD. to get a package from state to state.

leaving on a happy note though. I LOVE me some mushies :). they're pretty much incredible. and thank you for all of the reassuring replies! I'm so fucking paranoid sometimes that i drive myself to insanity. Once i was freakin so hard I even ripped up my plants!


Well-Known Member
Well what would happen if I ordered spores to California? They just won't send them? And if they did, would I get in trouble if It was found>