
Guys,just trying to help outta experience...find a time you will def be in that lot,wear 'riu' banners on your hat,and meet at the entrance at a specified'll end up wanting to party together,and be parked 3 miles from each other,and you guys have fun! The venue itself is awesome!!!(eat an extra 2 for me!)
Guys,just trying to help outta experience...find a time you will def be in that lot,wear 'riu' banners on your hat,and meet at the entrance at a specified'll end up wanting to party together,and be parked 3 miles from each other,and you guys have fun! The venue itself is awesome!!!(eat an extra 2 for me!)

Great idea Rory!! I live prob 30 min from red rocks so I am lucky nuff to get about 5 or 6 shows there a year.. And prob 20 lot parties where I don't even go in hahaha
Jj, let's def meet up, it would be awesome meeting a fellow riu member! All I gotta do if find a buddy to drive cuz I need one of those single night vacations haha.. Last red rocks show was eoto and beats antique, such a great night in that cool mountain air!
Jj, let's def meet up, it would be awesome meeting a fellow riu member! All I gotta do if find a buddy to drive cuz I need one of those single night vacations haha.. Last red rocks show was eoto and beats antique, such a great night in that cool mountain air!

Dude! Message me! I can pick you up when I get in town if you need a ride? Where are you sitting? I am in Row 27 and have seats 105-106...Check out this huge ass rock I get to sit by!!! I feel like I'm too close to the side? I wanted to get seats in the middle. Go figure AFTER I bought my tickets, I check them the next day and they have Row 31, seats 57-58 listed...That seems more in the middle than where I am at, I was sooo tempted to buy them but I hear theres no bad seat in Red Rocks, no obstructed views and you have a perfect view of the stage any/all places in there?


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Guys,just trying to help outta experience...find a time you will def be in that lot,wear 'riu' banners on your hat,and meet at the entrance at a specified'll end up wanting to party together,and be parked 3 miles from each other,and you guys have fun! The venue itself is awesome!!!(eat an extra 2 for me!)

Holy shit thats a good idea! Dude.....come with us! You can totally ride with my Tool army buddy and I if you can make the trip to Ohio. I have a 3 car garage you can leave your vehicle in while we depart!
Dude! Message me! I can pick you up when I get in town if you need a ride? Where are you sitting? I am in Row 27 and have seats 105-106...Check out this huge ass rock I get to sit by!!! I feel like I'm too close to the side? I wanted to get seats in the middle. Go figure AFTER I bought my tickets, I check them the next day and they have Row 31, seats 57-58 listed...That seems more in the middle than where I am at, I was sooo tempted to buy them but I hear theres no bad seat in Red Rocks, no obstructed views and you have a perfect view of the stage any/all places in there?

Iam def down for a riu on the rocks experience!! Iam in aurora so if a ride is possible I will for sure help out on gas and some good ol colorado dabs :) The best thing about red rocks is even tho there are seat numbers, u can go pretty much wherever u want, most shows at red rocks are treated as general admission seating once things get going
You can allways ticket surf if the security is sectioning off go in the area with a ticket stub that grants you axcess,walk a hundred feet outta view and pass the stub thru the fence/rail to your buddy and let him go everytime..that's why I allways buy g.a. or lawn..I can go anywhere if I so choose to..
I appreciate the invite but no way I can drive to c.o. even tho I would love to..I'm still waiting to here from work if I'm off for nye at msg in nyc...
You can allways ticket surf if the security is sectioning off go in the area with a ticket stub that grants you axcess,walk a hundred feet outta view and pass the stub thru the fence/rail to your buddy and let him go everytime..that's why I allways buy g.a. or lawn..I can go anywhere if I so choose to..
I appreciate the invite but no way I can drive to c.o. even tho I would love to..I'm still waiting to here from work if I'm off for nye at msg in nyc...

Red rocks is truly a bitch to sneak into... Ever sense they put up that fucking searchlight on the back wall to catch people sneaking up the mountain haha
Not sneaking into..sneaking the first 15 rows..if you got a row 5 stub,go to the boundaries of that section and slip your buddy your stub..then he goes to the entrance you first went thru and meets you in that really didn't think 8000 of the 20000 at a show actually had seats up front did you?...
You can allways ticket surf if the security is sectioning off go in the area with a ticket stub that grants you axcess,walk a hundred feet outta view and pass the stub thru the fence/rail to your buddy and let him go everytime..that's why I allways buy g.a. or lawn..I can go anywhere if I so choose to..
I appreciate the invite but no way I can drive to c.o. even tho I would love to..I'm still waiting to here from work if I'm off for nye at msg in nyc...

Oh hell yeah dude! Phish in NYC on NYE....I hope you get it off brother! Would be an awesome time, travel safe!
I'm taking a train to ill be safe..unless the train operator wants to get

Oh man that could make for an INTERESTING train ride! My father may join my buddy and I and venture with us to Shpongle! I cant wait to get him a lil spun, its going to be a very magical/bonding experience.
Does anyone listen to eoto?? The guy that made the shpongletron does their light set up as well.. It's a side project for two members of string cheese and it's all improvised all the time, and they pull of epic shit together, one if my fav groups to see live!! Check em out and check out the lighting guys group called zebbler encanti expierence :)
Does anyone listen to eoto?? The guy that made the shpongletron does their light set up as well.. It's a side project for two members of string cheese and it's all improvised all the time, and they pull of epic shit together, one if my fav groups to see live!! Check em out and check out the lighting guys group called zebbler encanti expierence :)

Yes I watched live :)
I've heard of eoto..never listened to em..sadly,I didn't make it to boss wouldn't give me a schedule till the day before..fuckhead that he here's a view from the seat I was supposed to be in..20131231_230728.jpg