
Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Sphongle is the shit, but woo wee, i think it would be quite scary listening
to their music while tripping balls.


Mota King
I cant wait to try shrooms while listening to Shpongle, specifically Divine Moments of Truth I love that one :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I LOVE SOME MOTHA FUCKING SHPONGLE im trying to figure out how to get about 3gs to go to london and see them do a full live pa set on halloween i bet i can thinhk of 1 way to make that kinda money ;)


Well-Known Member
i really enjoy listening to shpongle either tripping or on k. i honestly wouldn't consider k tripping though..

Shponglization and Nothing lasts, but everything is lost ( or some shit like that) are great albums

check em out


Well-Known Member
k intraveinous is a very intense psychadelic dissacociative experience the universe will unfold before your eyes


Well-Known Member
i can understand the dissociative aspect, especially since it is classified as a dissociative anesthetic, but i still dont consider it "psychedelic" -thats just my personal opinion though, ive heard other people talk of its psychedelic value as well.
oh and wait, you cant even inject k intraveinously...when you do you just pass out. are you sure your not thinking intramuscular?


Well-Known Member
i can understand the dissociative aspect, especially since it is classified as a dissociative anesthetic, but i still dont consider it "psychedelic" -thats just my personal opinion though, ive heard other people talk of its psychedelic value as well.
oh and wait, you cant even inject k intraveinously...when you do you just pass out. are you sure your not thinking intramuscular?
Dude if your passing out inject less lol


Well-Known Member
i am 100% sure you can shoot k intraveinously it only looks like yopu pass out ;) what actually happens is in about 7 seconds you fall back and you feel a pull at your stomach like your falling into a hole then reality starts to spiral and brerak away into like a fractal looking pattern after that the psychadelic experience begins a brand new reality rebuilds itself around you for me my k trips are usually kinda dark and mechanical instead of organic like your part of a machine melting and moving though hell its fucking amazing

another time the couch i was on became a massive podium and i was on this other planet completely surrounded by aliens nd apparently i was giving them some kind of speech

another time i was in the car laid back on the mpountain and after my shot the top of my car went on for infinity and i was looking at all these space ships and the light in center of my roof turned into a mechanical eyeball and began swirling around me like scanning me

another time i turned into a green diamond like a licky charm and went melting into this conconcoction of colors that ended up benig a giants toewnail

if this isnt psychadelic i dont know what is i have been shooting k intraveinously since i was 16 i used to do a whole bottle everydy when my friends worked for the vet i promise after litterally 100s if not 1000 k trips it is a psychadelic dissasociative you just have to iv it