Showing sex before i flower


Active Member
I have been veging my plants for 4 and half weeks and i am starting to flower tonight. I also had them under 24 hours of light until a week ago when i switched to 20/5 and then 19/5 3 days later.
I left my house for the weekend and when i came back i noticed that one of my plants is forming what looks like pollen sacks.
I plucked one of the sacks off but could not tell if it was filled with pollen as they are still to small.:wall:
It is bagseed and i understand that plants don't show sex until a few weeks into flowering, but i have grown before and ended up with 2 males and this plant is looking quite male to me.
Any ideas on wha this could mean?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Plants show sex when they mature.
This process is forced when you force plants to flower like most growers.
Just means that your plant is physically ready for intercourse.
IN your case you have a very horny little male, sorry.


Active Member
i figured it was male anyways, i guess i just didn't realize that plants pre-flower or show sex in veg.