showed my mom my guerilla garden...


New Member
wasn't sure where to post this story, but here goes...

my mom doesn't use cannabis and has pretty much eaten up all the stereotypes and government/media propoganda about how "herb is so bad for you."

...that is, until recently...when I came down with lymes disease. I experienced heart failure 6 weeks ago and somehow survive the lowest sustained heart rate of a human being ever recorded in medical history. I was placed on high doses of the antibiotic/chemotherapeutic agent doxycycline hyclate.

@ 400 mg per day for nearly 2 months, my stomach became intolerable of the drug and i'd vomit violently throughout the day

Using cannabis eliminated almost all nausea and enabled me to eat.

After seeing this antedotal evidence of the medicinal effects of cannabis first hand, my mom grew more and more open to the idea of medical herb.

after being back in the hospital the past 4 days for paralysis of my foot caused by the lyme disease, I took my mom with me on the walk to my guerilla grow and she helped me transplant my plants into the ground with the soil I had brought to the site. It was a strange, sorta different but cool thing to do. she was a bit paranoid here and there, but it didn't go too bad

so yea that's my story lol

what ive learned from this experience however, is to never act ashamed of the fact that you use cannabis. Don't feel like you have to hide the fact that you smoke, as that does nothing for the movement to legalize this harmless, beneficial plant. Cannabis, i consider to be like ANY other drug- which all come from plants- there's good uses and bad uses. it can be used, or abused, but atleast it's non-addictive.

so don'tever be afraid to calmly and openly let others know that cannabis IS medicine, cuz this story I shared about my mom demonstrates living proof that people CAN drop their negative stigmas about cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i could see how that would be wierd, but it sounds like she supports you now because of your condition. I think were going to start seeing more people open to the idea in the future.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i could see how that would be wierd, but it sounds like she supports you now because of your condition. I think were going to start seeing more people open to the idea in the future.
Thats a good mom right there. Despite what she heard she was willing to help her son in his time of need. Although she might disagree with the medicine she acknowledged that it does help you. +rep to supporting mothers.


Well-Known Member
Very cool. Sounds like a reasonable person. I had a similar experience. I'm not sick like you but I was sick, in that I was a heroin addict. I spent time in prison and tried all the rehabs and even some of the drugs that are supposed to help you kick heroin but nothing worked, until I started using cannabis. I've been clean from heroin for almost 10 years now and last year my mom drove me and my 5 5 footers out to a better location when the spot I started them in became inadequate. Her minivan looked like a damn jungle inside, it was kinda scary driving down the road like that.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing like a good mom huh? :) I know how you guys feel, my mom doesn't know anything about my current/past grows. But man she's the best mother I could have ever asked for you know?

My father is... well he's his own person completely. But I love him just the same.

'life is good... its only when you lose something that you took for granted.. do you realize how much you miss that something'. -ganjaluvr 2009

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
that's mint mate! or not, depending on which part i read :P

my old mans been eaten alive by tics when he was out hiking and fishing, and possibly has lime disease, but i guarantee you, he'll take the meds, every day, probably for 6 months, and they won't work,m and he'll BITCH like you would not believe, i bet just like he does with his back pain, but i can guarantee he'd neevr EVER think about smokking, sometimes the anti-pot people are doing themselves no favours

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
that's mint mate! or not, depending on which part i read :P

my old mans been eaten alive by tics when he was out hiking and fishing, and possibly has lime disease, but i guarantee you, he'll take the meds, every day, probably for 6 months, and they won't work,m and he'll BITCH like you would not believe, i bet just like he does with his back pain, but i can guarantee he'd neevr EVER think about smokking, sometimes the anti-pot people are doing themselves no favours
weed is a fucking medicine.... period! get these ignorant polticians to believe it and this world would be in alot better shape. I have chronic arthritis and it undoubtly soothes the pain dramatically. if I didn't suffer from it, I probably would not smoke it.....but I'd still sell it, ( i'm not stupid!) LOL. great story!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
My mom was pretty anti-cannabis when I first started smoking and like yourself, I developed a condition, an intestinal disease where I now have to take multiple pills every day for and makes me nauseated like no other, and cannabis helps like no other. so my parents are pretty pro-cannabis now after seeing the benefits but I don't think I'm gonna take my ma to my patch haha. I don't think she could make the hike without breaking an ankle or something haha.
great story though man, and you're right, we shouldnt be ashamed to use it! fuck the condescending people who think it's only used by an "underclass" type of people. glad to hear from another medical success story with MJ


heh thats awesome, my dad is like your mom cept he use to grow back in the day and I know he'd be cool with my outdoor grow, mother on the other hand is ummm lol like you said. Love em both equally! Cool Beans!


Well-Known Member
im touched maybe cause im high but hey my ma took a nasty fall fucked up her arm and the doc stopped giving her pain pills so once in awhile i bring out my mini bong bubbler and take hits seems she has a problem with finding the carb every time. GOOD TIMES


Active Member
One of my good buddies told me his wife smoked weed every day. She hates smoking but it replaces the $800-$1200/month med she needs. Basically weed saves them a mortgage payment every month and it relieves the symptoms BETTER than the meds.


Well-Known Member
usually when u see the word mom in any thread name its usually some 14 year old kid trying to grow then all the old guys from RIU say what a teriable person they are for putting there parents at risk then u have a side that defends them and the thread goes from help me to your a bad kid and your going to die.

but i have to say man its nice to have a great story like this i am happy to see you using cannabis and its makes your condition just a little more easy.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear your fine, but yeah it was weird around my mom too. If your not legal I would suggest not to take your mom anymore just in case the cops come you don't want to put your mom in that situation.