Show off your shears & scissors.


Well-Known Member
This thread is for anyone to post up what they are using or have used to manicure their buds.
Please let us know the pro's and con's of each shears/scissors used.
I'll be posting my set tonight, but feel free to kick us off.:leaf:


Active Member
Here's a plug for Fiskars, I use these spring-loaded micro-tipped scissors. About 15$. Scrape off the hash and clean with iso after every use, tip is perfectly aligned and very sharp for effortless precise fan leaf cuts deep in the bud, without cutting the bud's stalk directly behind it.


Well-Known Member
Here's a plug for Fiskars, I use these spring-loaded micro-tipped scissors. About 15$. Scrape off the hash and clean with iso after every use, tip is perfectly aligned and very sharp for effortless precise fan leaf cuts deep in the bud, without cutting the bud's stalk directly behind it.

I've got those same ones; an older model but those spring loaded fiskars are great!. I like how the don't make my hands go to sleep like scissors with finger holes.



Well-Known Member
I've got those same ones; an older model but those spring loaded fiskars are great!. I like how the don't make my hands go to sleep like scissors with finger holes.

Samesies haha. I go alot slower with them than other skizzorz, but i feel like i do the best job getting into small areas and making precise stem cuts with them.



Active Member
Samesies haha. I go alot slower with them than other skizzorz, but i feel like i do the best job getting into small areas and making precise stem cuts with them.


No rush to chop here, I watch movies and slowly, perfectly, manicure one clip at a time, then walk over and take another one. Very relaxing.


Well-Known Member
hear is what i use. no spring but i think they are better then the spring loeaded one. with the spring loaded ones u have to use much more force to close the scissors. these ones open and close with just a tiny touch, i have used about 10 differnet types of trimmers in one day period and these ones by far are the most comfortable and fastes and light weight trimmers

