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You still have too much to live for. You haven't even tried cree cobs yet!
I'll take a nibble. So tell me. If! I wanted to make a DIY COB(I have much electrical Ed and skillz) what do I need to buy. I only want to start with 60 Watts. Maybe 1 50 watter or 2 30s. I want FULL SPECTRUM. Not 3000 k or whatever. Heat sink, fan, power supply, some wire and a chord. What else?
wow. what will they think of next? what is going to be the next best light? Are people still using HID?
I know it's like fad central. lol it's a conspiracy to sell more stuff! :hump:

I think I will try this next.

:fire: Tesla coil.
Which one?

The best way to get into something new is to look at other designs and copy. Go for a top bin cxb2530, cxb3070, or cxb3590, and 94% efficient HLG-C constant current drivers.

I think of 3590 as HID replacement (fewer, more powerful sources) , 2530 as low profile (more ,but less powerful sources), for getting close, and 3070 as somewhere in between.
The best way to get into something new is to look at other designs and copy. Go for a top bin cxb2530, cxb3070, or cxb3590, and 94% efficient HLG-C constant current drivers.

I think of 3590 as HID replacement (fewer, more powerful sources) , 2530 as low profile (more ,but less powerful sources), for getting close, and 3070 as somewhere in between.
Thanks bro. I will probably build a small one in a couple of months. Been curious about them since they got popular. Heard a lot of good things so I'm sure they work. Would love for someone"objective" to do a side by side. Meaning not a lover or hater of either light source.
Thanks bro. I will probably build a small one in a couple of months. Been curious about them since they got popular. Heard a lot of good things so I'm sure they work. Would love for someone"objective" to do a side by side. Meaning not a lover or hater of either light source.

You keep telling us how much electrical experience you have yet you ask us on a parts list to build a light? I have no electrical experience and after doing just a little bit of reading, I had my lights built 2 weeks after I first read about COB lighting. You ask for "full spectrum" COBS, not 3000k. Have you seen a wavelength graph on the COBS? Looked at any data sheets? Have you done any research? Once you bother to stop being so ignorant, you will realize that your posts are nonsense. You are **THE** definition of a troll. Instead of trying to help others, you provide nothing but ignorant posts with no data to back up your claims.
You keep telling us how much electrical experience you have yet you ask us on a parts list to build a light? I have no electrical experience and after doing just a little bit of reading, I had my lights built 2 weeks after I first read about COB lighting. You ask for "full spectrum" COBS, not 3000k. Have you seen a wavelength graph on the COBS? Looked at any data sheets? Have you done any research? Once you bother to stop being so ignorant, you will realize that your posts are nonsense. You are **THE** definition of a troll. Instead of trying to help others, you provide nothing but ignorant posts with no data to back up your claims.
Look loser. I'm sorry that your life sux. No I'm not in a hurry to chase some BS fantasy that another fricking light will help my grow. I'll try it just because. my set up is cranking the dank. Don't need it, just got coin to spend. And I've seen you guys lights. They look like crap. Just a heat sink with a cob maybe a lens fastened on one side and a fan with a power supply on the other. When I decide to build some stuff it's gonna look like it came out of prototype shop. Completely encased for safety and not some damn plastic fence post from Home Depot. Seriously. Don't go on yet another rant and further embarrass yourselves. Of course I am not going to rely on you haters for information. I was just being civil. Bet mommas proud you built something following directions on the internet huh. I was doing this type stuff when I was 12. Long before Internet.
I have a feeling that you a 16 year old troll growing a plant in a solo cup by a window......

What do looks matter? Lots of these premade lights have nice fixtures, yet they perform like shit. Performance is what matters, not looks. No one gives a shit what your grow setup looks like as long as it produces quality product.
Look loser. I'm sorry that your life sux. No I'm not in a hurry to chase some BS fantasy that another fricking light will help my grow. I'll try it just because. my set up is cranking the dank. Don't need it, just got coin to spend. And I've seen you guys lights. They look like crap. Just a heat sink with a cob maybe a lens fastened on one side and a fan with a power supply on the other. When I decide to build some stuff it's gonna look like it came out of prototype shop. Completely encased for safety and not some damn plastic fence post from Home Depot. Seriously. Don't go on yet another rant and further embarrass yourselves. Of course I am not going to rely on you haters for information. I was just being civil. Bet mommas proud you built something following directions on the internet huh. I was doing this type stuff when I was 12. Long before Internet.
again big words coming from somebody with mediocre lights sitback and admit you don't know shit newb o and your mom must be proud that you can't follow instructions in front of your face your such a slug
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